Thanks Tim, That was so detailed and helpful, so appreciated !
However, other libraries are still missing: and
I have tried to link these libraries to existing ones (after copying) as 
suggested in here:
> sudo ln -s> sudo ln -s 
Then I got another library missing:mris_make_surfaces: error while loading 
shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or 

So I got confused having different versions of the same library missing. I have 
found different versions of the library in here but I cannot find the 
ones I need.
Do you please have an idea how can I fix this issue ?

Thanks, Amal

    Le vendredi 13 juillet 2018 à 12:40:01 UTC−4, Timothy B. Brown 
<> a écrit :  
Hello Amal,
The error that is likely to be causing the problem you are having is reported 
very early in the screen shot you sent. Notice that about 10 lines from the top 
of the screen shot there is a line that reads:
mris_make_surfaces: error while loading shared libraries: 
cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Unfortunately, the mris_make_surfaces binary that is part of FreeSurfer 
v5.3.0-HCP is linked to use a very specific version of the shared 
library, But that version of the library is not distributed 
with Ubuntu 16.04. In fact, you may not have any version of 
installed on your machine.
Try the following:
1. Get the latest netcdf libraries and interfaces installed on your system.
$ dpkg -l | grep netcdf
If this returns no results, then no netcdf libraries or interfaces are 
If it returns only a line that ends with "Interface for scientific data access 
to large binary data", then the interface files are installed, but not an 
actual implementation of the interface.
In either of these cases, try the following command to install the latest 
libnetdcf interface and development library:
$ sudo apt install libnetcdf-dev
Once that installation succeeds, you should issue another dpkg command like 
above and see results indicating that both the interface files and the 
development library are installed.
$ dpkg -l | grep netcdf
 ii  libnetcdf-dev    1:4.4.0-2    amd64    creation, access, and sharing of 
scientific data
 ii  libnetcdf11      1:4.4.0-2    amd64    Interface for scientific data 
access to large binary data
This indicates that you have the latest copies installed.
You should be able to find a copy of in your 
/usr/lib/x86_64_linux_gnu directory now. A command like:
$ sudo ls -l /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libnetcdf*
should show /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ linked to
2. Install a 64-bit copy of version 6 of the library
Under "Downloadable files" on that page, select the link to download 
libnetcdf6_4.1.1-6_amd64.deb. (You may be warned that this type of file can 
harm your computer. Keep/download the file anyhow. Do not automatically open 
the file, just save it.)
Find the downloaded libnetcdf6_4.1.1-6_amd64.deb file.
You should not do a simple installation using the libnetcdf6_4.1.1-6_amd64.deb 
file and the Ubuntu Software Installation application. Instead, you should open 
the deb file with the Ubuntu Archive Manager (right click on the file in your 
file manager and select Open With --> Archive Manager). The archive will 
contain 3 files: control.tar.gz, data.tar.gz, and debian-binary. Extract the 
data.tar.gz file, by selecting it in the Archive Manager and dragging it to a 
temporary directory in your file manager. 
In my case the libnetcdf6_4.1.1-6_amd64.deb file was put in my 
${HOME}/Downloads directory, and I put the data.tar.gz file in the 
${HOME}/Downloads/tmp directory. 
Then you'll need to extract out the contents of the data.tar.gz file to a 
directory that you will add to your LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable so 
that is found when mris_make_surfaces is run. Use commands 
similar to the following:
$ cd 
 $ mkdir shared_libraries
 $ cd shared_libraries
 $ tar xvf ${HOME}/Downloads/tmp/data.tar.gz
This should create a usr subdirectory below your shared_libraries subdirectory 
and if you look in ${HOME}/shared_libraries/usr/lib you should see files like:
$ cd 
 $ cd shared_libraries/usr/lib
 $ ls    
Next, you'll need to set your LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable before 
running any script that uses mris_make_surfaces so that when looking for shared 
libraries it will look in your ${HOME}/shared_libraries/usr/lib directory 
before looking in the remaining "standard" locations.
$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${HOME}/shared_libraries/usr/lib
Note: If your LD_LIBRARY_PATH already has some value, you'll want to use a 
command like:
$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${HOME}/shared_libraries/usr/lib:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH} 
instead of the earlier command.
Note: You only want to use version 6 of the libnetcdf library when using 
FreeSurfer v5.3.0-HCP. You don't want to use it for any other software on your 
system that happens to use libnetcdf because that other software may depend 
upon behavior in later versions of the libnetcdf library. That is why it is 
safer to not allow version 6 to be installed in /usr/lib where it might be 
found by other software using the libnetcdf library. Basically, you don't want 
to contaminate your standard library locations with old libraries.
That is also why you should only set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable 
as shown above when you are running FreeSurfer v5.3.0-HCP.
Once you've installed version 6 of the libnetcdf library in a directory and 
made sure LD_LIBRARY_PATH points to that directory, try running the script again.
Lastly, in the future please ask questions like this to the HCP-Users mailing 
list. That way other people can either benefit from the answer if it is correct 
or correct my answer if I've made mistakes. I've gone ahead and sent this 
response to that list and to your email address too because I don't know if you 
are subscribed to the list.
You can subscribe to the HCP-Users mailing list by visiting There is a place to join our two 
email lists, HCP-Announce and HCP-Users, on the right hand side of that page.
Hope that's helpful,
 On 2018-07-12 04:51 PM, Boukhdhir Amal wrote:
  Hello Tim,  
  After running the PreFreesurferHCP pipeline in the HCP connectome course and 
reproducing that on my computer successfully,  I am getting thgis issue with 
the Freesurfer pipeline (as a second step in the structural pipeline). 
  I attached the reconn-all.log file and a screenshot of the error. 
  The freesurfer version I am using is: 
  These are more informations related to the distribution I am using:  
   aboukhdhir@thuya:/mnt/home_sq/aboukhdhir$ cat /etc/os-release NAME="Ubuntu" 
VERSION="16.04.3 LTS (Xenial Xerus)" ID=ubuntu ID_LIKE=debian 
PRETTY_NAME="Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS" VERSION_ID="16.04" 
  I have also tried the same pipeline on 2 other computers with different RAMs 
and I am getting the same error. 
  Do you please have an idea why I am getting this error and how can I solve it 
  Best,  Amal 
  Timothy B. Brown
 Business & Technology Application Analyst III
 Pipeline Developer (Connectome Coordination Facility)
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