Is there anywhere a database of structural connectomes (SCs) and functional
connectomes (FCs) generated from HCP data? I mean, HCP publishes the raw
RMI images and pre-processed RMI images, but doesn't look like it publishes
completely processed data (e.g., the SCs and FCs for the 1200 subjects).
Wouldn't it make researchers' life much easier if someone generates the SCs
and FCs for 1200 subjects and put them somewhere for public access? If
there is no such thing, why? Is it because the neuroscience community
considers it trivial to generate SCs and FCs from pre-processed data (I'm
from the computer science community)? Or is it because researchers
typically wish to customize their specifications for SCs and FCs (e.g.,
parcellation, or cutoff value for terminating tracks)?


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