Hi Tim,

I have the updated version of workbench now, and have tried running the 
pipeline again. PostFreeSurferPipelineBatch.sh has now been running for over 5 
hours. To my knowledge, prior to this update, it only took around 45 minutes 
when successful. Is this normal for this version of the pipeline to take this 
long? Thanks again.



From: Timothy Coalson <tsc...@mst.edu>
Sent: Tuesday, October 9, 2018 6:13:44 PM
Cc: hcp-users@humanconnectome.org
Subject: Re: [HCP-Users] Error Running HCP's PostFreeSurferPipelineBatch.sh

You need to update workbench to the latest release, that option is a recent 
addition to the command that is failing.


On Tue, Oct 9, 2018 at 6:08 PM, ARMAN PRAFUL KULKARNI 
<apkulkar...@wisc.edu<mailto:apkulkar...@wisc.edu>> wrote:


I have been running the HCP Pipeline (v 3.27.0) on one subject's unprocessed 
data from the HCP-1200 dataset. Below is what I have in the SetUpHCPPipeline.sh 
file. I have been able to run PreFreeSurferPipelineBatch.sh and 
FreeSurferPipelineBatch.sh with no issues. However, when running 
PostFreeSurferPipelineBatch.sh, I get the following error after around 10 
minutes of the script running: "ERROR: Unexpected parameter: 
-local-affine-method", and I am not sure how to proceed. I appreciate any 
insight into this problem.



echo "This script must be SOURCED to correctly setup the environment prior to 
running any of the other HCP scripts contained here"

# Set up FSL (if not already done so in the running environment)
# Uncomment the following 2 lines (remove the leading #) and correct the FSLDIR 
setting for your setup
#export FSLDIR=/usr/share/fsl/5.0
#. ${FSLDIR}/etc/fslconf/fsl.sh

# Let FreeSurfer know what version of FSL to use
# FreeSurfer uses FSL_DIR instead of FSLDIR to determine the FSL version
export FSL_DIR="${FSLDIR}"

# Set up FreeSurfer (if not already done so in the running environment)
# Uncomment the following 2 lines (remove the leading #) and correct the 
FREESURFER_HOME setting for your setup
#export FREESURFER_HOME=/usr/local/bin/freesurfer
#source ${FREESURFER_HOME}/SetUpFreeSurfer.sh > /dev/null 2>&1

# Set up specific environment variables for the HCP Pipeline
export HCPPIPEDIR=${HOME}/xxxx/HCP/Pipelines
#export CARET7DIR=${HOME}/tools/workbench/bin_rh_linux64
export CARET7DIR=/usr/local/workbench/bin_linux64

export HCPPIPEDIR_Templates=${HCPPIPEDIR}/global/templates
export HCPPIPEDIR_Bin=${HCPPIPEDIR}/global/binaries
export HCPPIPEDIR_Config=${HCPPIPEDIR}/global/config

export HCPPIPEDIR_PreFS=${HCPPIPEDIR}/PreFreeSurfer/scripts
export HCPPIPEDIR_FS=${HCPPIPEDIR}/FreeSurfer/scripts
export HCPPIPEDIR_PostFS=${HCPPIPEDIR}/PostFreeSurfer/scripts
export HCPPIPEDIR_fMRISurf=${HCPPIPEDIR}/fMRISurface/scripts
export HCPPIPEDIR_fMRIVol=${HCPPIPEDIR}/fMRIVolume/scripts
export HCPPIPEDIR_dMRI=${HCPPIPEDIR}/DiffusionPreprocessing/scripts
export HCPPIPEDIR_dMRITract=${HCPPIPEDIR}/DiffusionTractography/scripts
export HCPPIPEDIR_Global=${HCPPIPEDIR}/global/scripts
export HCPPIPEDIR_tfMRIAnalysis=${HCPPIPEDIR}/TaskfMRIAnalysis/scripts
export MSMBINDIR=${HCPPIPEDIR}/global/templates/MSMAll

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