Post-doctoral fellow

Department of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation

Harvard Medical School

Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital

We are seeking highly motivated research fellows intending to pursue a career 
in rehabilitation research. Positions are available to trainees who have 
received doctoral degrees and wish to pursue clinical, translational, and/or 
basic science research in rehabilitation medicine. Strong candidates will have 
either publications or publishable theses. MD candidates should at the minimum 
have some experience with research. Positions are made on an annual basis with 
additional opportunities for continued funding with sufficient progress. A 
minimum 2-year commitment is preferred. Amount of award is dependent on the 
applicant’s experience and follows NIH guidelines for stipend levels, $1,000 in 
travel funds and affiliated health insurance, tuition and fees.

Contact: J. Andrew Taylor, PhD, Associate Chair for Research, Department of 
Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, Harvard Medical School; Mailing Address: 
1575 Cambridge Street, Cambridge, MA 02138; Telephone: (617) 758-5503; Fax: 
(617) 758-5514; Email:

Application Requirements (deadline Jan 15, decisions finalized by Mar 15)

• Curriculum Vitae of the applicant

• Three letters of recommendation from outside HMS PMR

• Personal statement from the applicant describing career objectives and how 
background, experience, and training will lead to professional contributions in 
rehabilitation research (1 page only)

• Statement from the proposed mentor outlining support the trainee will receive 
as well as plans for continued funding beyond the period of the fellowship (1 
page only)

• Summary of the proposed research over thee two years of training (2 pages 

(Materials submitted in excess of those requested will not be considered)

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