Hi all,

The shared MEG source reconstructed data are only defined on the cortical 
meshes, in cifti-format, and does not contain subcortical volumetrically 
defined brainordinates. Therefore, I suggest to go with Tim’s suggestion to do 
a cifti-separate on the fMRI ciftis and proceed from there.

> On 15 Jan 2019, at 20:55, Timothy Coalson <tsc...@mst.edu> wrote:
> Cifti files are defined not only by their resolution, but also by ROIs that 
> exclude uninteresting or redundant locations, in particular the medial wall 
> vertices and white matter voxels for fMRI.  This is the reason that 
> -cifti-resample needs a template, to define what is included/excluded.
> I'm not all that familiar with the HCP MEG data, and the outputs may not be 
> in cifti format.  You can get the cortical data from a cifti file in 
> single-hemisphere gifti format using -cifti-separate, and you can use 
> -metric-resample on those, which is a simpler command (because the gifti 
> format does not have a provision for excluding vertices from the data file).  
> You can also get the subcortical volume data using the same command, though 
> for volume downsampling you should smooth before resampling in order not to 
> waste signal (the volume resampling algorithms currently available in 
> wb_command are point estimates, unlike the adaptive barycentric surface 
> resampling).
> If the MEG data does provide cifti format files, you should be able to use 
> any of them as the template in -cifti-resample, as I would expect them to all 
> use the same defining ROIs.
> Tim
> On Tue, Jan 15, 2019 at 10:08 AM Rigel Wang 
> <rigel.w...@neuroinformatics-collaboratory.org 
> <mailto:rigel.w...@neuroinformatics-collaboratory.org>> wrote:
> Hi Jan-Mathijs,
> Thank you for your interest. 
> I want to resample the high spatial resolution fMRI signal to a low spatial 
> resolution to compare with the MEG signal in source space, which is for 
> comparing different M/EEG inverse methods.
> So I want to convert the two modal signal in the same individual coordinate 
> system with low spatial resolution.
> But I never did downsampling with HCP CIFTI file before. I want to use the 
> HCP Connectome Workbench command line to downsampling which can avoid 
> converting the format to other platforms for downsampling, such as freesurfer 
> -mri_surf2surf needs -reconall to segment T1w to their format again then do 
> downsampling.  
> However, the -cifti-resample <cfti-template> ask for CIFTI format file as a 
> target template.
> I don't know what should it be.
> I put the instruction description in the below.
> Thank you!
> Best,
> Rigel
>    wb_command -cifti-resample
>       <cifti-in> - the cifti file to resample
>       <direction> - the direction of the input that should be resampled, ROW 
> or
>          COLUMN
>       <cifti-template> - a cifti file containing the cifti space to resample 
> to
>       <template-direction> - the direction of the template to use as the
>          resampling space, ROW or COLUMN
>       <surface-method> - specify a surface resampling method
>       <volume-method> - specify a volume interpolation method
>       <cifti-out> - output - the output cifti file
> [-surface-largest] - use largest weight instead of weighted average or
>          popularity when doing surface resampling
> [-volume-predilate] - dilate the volume components before resampling
>          <dilate-mm> - distance, in mm, to dilate
> [-nearest] - use nearest value dilation
> [-weighted] - use weighted dilation (default)
> [-exponent] - specify exponent in weighting function
>                <exponent> - exponent 'n' to use in (1 / (distance ^ n)) as the
>                   weighting function (default 2)
> [-surface-postdilate] - dilate the surface components after resampling
>          <dilate-mm> - distance, in mm, to dilate
> [-nearest] - use nearest value dilation
> [-linear] - use linear dilation
> [-weighted] - use weighted dilation (default for non-label data)
> [-exponent] - specify exponent in weighting function
>                <exponent> - exponent 'n' to use in (area / (distance ^ n)) as
>                   the weighting function (default 2)
> [-affine] - use an affine transformation on the volume components
>          <affine-file> - the affine file to use
> [-flirt] - MUST be used if affine is a flirt affine
>             <source-volume> - the source volume used when generating the 
> affine
>             <target-volume> - the target volume used when generating the 
> affine
> [-warpfield] - use a warpfield on the volume components
>          <warpfield> - the warpfield to use
> [-fnirt] - MUST be used if using a fnirt warpfield
>             <source-volume> - the source volume used when generating the
>                warpfield
> [-left-spheres] - specify spheres for left surface resampling
>          <current-sphere> - a sphere with the same mesh as the current left
>             surface
>          <new-sphere> - a sphere with the new left mesh that is in register
>             with the current sphere
> [-left-area-surfs] - specify left surfaces to do vertex area
>             correction based on
>             <current-area> - a relevant left anatomical surface with current
>                mesh
>             <new-area> - a relevant left anatomical surface with new mesh
> [-left-area-metrics] - specify left vertex area metrics to do area
>             correction based on
>             <current-area> - a metric file with vertex areas for the current
>                mesh
>             <new-area> - a metric file with vertex areas for the new mesh
> [-right-spheres] - specify spheres for right surface resampling
>          <current-sphere> - a sphere with the same mesh as the current right
>             surface
>          <new-sphere> - a sphere with the new right mesh that is in register
>             with the current sphere
> [-right-area-surfs] - specify right surfaces to do vertex area
>             correction based on
>             <current-area> - a relevant right anatomical surface with current
>                mesh
>             <new-area> - a relevant right anatomical surface with new mesh
> [-right-area-metrics] - specify right vertex area metrics to do area
>             correction based on
>             <current-area> - a metric file with vertex areas for the current
>                mesh
>             <new-area> - a metric file with vertex areas for the new mesh
> [-cerebellum-spheres] - specify spheres for cerebellum surface resampling
>          <current-sphere> - a sphere with the same mesh as the current
>             cerebellum surface
>          <new-sphere> - a sphere with the new cerebellum mesh that is in
>             register with the current sphere
> [-cerebellum-area-surfs] - specify cerebellum surfaces to do vertex
>             area correction based on
>             <current-area> - a relevant cerebellum anatomical surface with
>                current mesh
>             <new-area> - a relevant cerebellum anatomical surface with new 
> mesh
> [-cerebellum-area-metrics] - specify cerebellum vertex area metrics to
>             do area correction based on
>             <current-area> - a metric file with vertex areas for the current
>                mesh
>             <new-area> - a metric file with vertex areas for the new mesh
> Resample cifti data to a different brainordinate space.  Use COLUMN for
>       the direction to resample dscalar, dlabel, or dtseries.  Resampling both
>       dimensions of a dconn requires running this command twice, once with
>       COLUMN and once with ROW.  If you are resampling a dconn and your 
> machine
>       has a large amount of memory, you might consider using
>       -cifti-resample-dconn-memory to avoid writing and rereading an
>       intermediate file.  The <template-direction> argument should usually be
>       COLUMN, as dtseries, dscalar, and dlabel all have brainordinates on that
>       direction.  If spheres are not specified for a surface structure which
>       exists in the cifti files, its data is copied without resampling or
>       dilation.  Dilation is done with the 'nearest' method, and is done on
>       <new-sphere> for surface data.  Volume components are padded before
>       dilation so that dilation doesn't run into the edge of the component
>       bounding box.  If neither -affine nor -warpfield are specified, the
>       identity transform is assumed for the volume data.
> The recommended resampling methods are ADAP_BARY_AREA and CUBIC (cubic
>       spline), except for label data which should use ADAP_BARY_AREA and
>       ENCLOSING_VOXEL.  Using ADAP_BARY_AREA requires specifying an area 
> option
>       to each used -*-spheres option.
> The <volume-method> argument must be one of the following:
> The <surface-method> argument must be one of the following:
> From 
> <https://www.humanconnectome.org/software/workbench-command/-cifti-resample 
> <https://www.humanconnectome.org/software/workbench-command/-cifti-resample>>
> 发件人: Jan Mathijs Schoffelen <jm.schoffe...@gmail.com 
> <mailto:jm.schoffe...@gmail.com>>
> 发送时间: 2019年1月15日 7:37
> 收件人: Rigel Wang; HCP-Users@humanconnectome.org 
> <mailto:HCP-Users@humanconnectome.org>; Pedro Antonio Valdés-Sosa; 
> supp...@humanconnectome.org <mailto:supp...@humanconnectome.org>
> 主题: Re: [HCP-Users] 答复: About wb_command -cifti-resample
> Hi Rigel,
> I don’t see why you want to resample it, nor why it needs to be converted 
> into a cifti file. What’s your motivation for this?
> Best wishes,
> Jan-Mathijs
>> On 15 Jan 2019, at 15:55, Rigel Wang 
>> <rigel.w...@neuroinformatics-collaboratory.org 
>> <mailto:rigel.w...@neuroinformatics-collaboratory.org>> wrote:
>> Hi Prof. Jan-Mathijs,
>> Thank you for your fast reply, this is very useful, I did not notice this 
>> low-resolution source space anatomical file before.
>> Therefore, I need to convert this *.gii to CIFTI format as input to 
>> -cifti-resample <cfti-template>? Or its corresponding MEG CIFTI data as 
>> input to -cifti-resample <cfti-template>?
>> Vielen Dank
>> Best,
>> Rigel
>> 发件人: Schoffelen, J.M. (Jan Mathijs) <jan.schoffe...@donders.ru.nl 
>> <mailto:jan.schoffe...@donders.ru.nl>>
>> 发送时间: 2019年1月15日 6:41
>> 收件人: Rigel Wang; HCP-Users@humanconnectome.org 
>> <mailto:HCP-Users@humanconnectome.org>
>> 抄送: supp...@humanconnectome.org <mailto:supp...@humanconnectome.org>; Pedro 
>> Antonio Valdés-Sosa
>> 主题: Re: [HCP-Users] About wb_command -cifti-resample
>> Hi Rigel,
>> I suggest to use the low resolution subject-specific source models, which 
>> are part of the release data and are expressed in native space.
>> They exist in a 4k and 8k vertex-per-hemisphere version. See page 92 of the 
>> S900 release manual.
>> Best wishes,
>> Jan-Mathijs
>>> On 15 Jan 2019, at 15:33, Rigel Wang 
>>> <rigel.w...@neuroinformatics-collaboratory.org 
>>> <mailto:rigel.w...@neuroinformatics-collaboratory.org>> wrote:
>>> Hi HCP team,
>>> Thanks a lot for your dedication to science.
>>> I am using your HCP-S900 dataset and Connectome Workbench for research.
>>> Specifically, in order to compare the E/MEG inverse solution, we are 
>>> expecting to get the low resolution resting state fMRI on native space 
>>> surface.
>>> We are trying to use HCP-S900 dataset for a test. 
>>> For example, we want to downsample 
>>> the105923\MNINonLinear\Result\rfMRI_REST1_LR\rfMRI_REST1_LR_Atlas_hp2000_clean.dtseries.nii.
>>> First, I use the wb_coomand -surface-resample  in matlab to downsample the 
>>> anatomical data(
>>> system([wb_command, ' -surface-resample ',' ',file.highResSurface{hemi},' 
>>> ',file.highResSphere{hemi},' ',file.lowResSphere{hemi},' ', res_method,' 
>>> ',file.lowResSurface{hemi}]);)for getting a low resolution suface which 
>>> expecting to be around 3k vertices for each hemisphere. PS: downsampling 
>>> the surface and projecting back to native space is for calculating the 
>>> E/MEG leadfied.
>>> Then I am trying to use the wb_coomand -cifti-resample for downsample the 
>>> functional data(
>>> system([wb_command, ' -cifti-resample ',' ',file.highResCii,' 
>>> ',res_src_direction,' ',cifti_templete,' ',res_template_direction,' 
>>> ',res_surface_method,' ', res_volume_method,' ',file.lowResCii]);) . 
>>> Question:
>>> 1. I don't know what should I put in the <cifti_templete> for wb_coomand 
>>> -cifti-resample?
>>> 2. Can I use the same project matrix from 
>>> \105923\MNINonLinear\fsaverage_LR32k\105923.R.{pial or 
>>> white}.32k_fs_LR.surf.gii file, which is 4*4 matrix,  for projecting 
>>> low-resolution 3k_fs_LR back, the output of -surface-resample, to 
>>> individual native space?
>>> Thank you!
>>> Best,
>>> Rigel
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>> Content preview:  Hi Prof. Jan-Mathijs, Thank you for your fast reply, this
>>  is very useful, I did not notice this low-resolution source space anatomical
>>   file before. Therefore, I need to convert this *.gii to CIFTI format as 
>> input
>>   to -cifti-resample <cfti-template>? Or its corresponding MEG CIFTI data as
>>   input to -cifti-resample <cfti-template>? Vielen Dank Best, Rigel [...] 
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>> Content preview:  Hi Prof. Jan-Mathijs, Thank you for your fast reply, this
>>  is very useful, I did not notice this low-resolution source space anatomical
>>   file before. Therefore, I need to convert this *.gii to CIFTI format as 
>> input
>>   to -cifti-resample <cfti-template>? Or its corresponding MEG CIFTI data as
>>   input to -cifti-resample <cfti-template>? Vielen Dank Best, Rigel [...] 
>> Content analysis details:   (5.7 points, 5.0 required)
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