The 1.0 and 3.0 versions on github are nearly identical, that was just a
naming issue.

The version in FSL may be based on version 2, and is missing a library
needed for HOCR, so some options in v3 aren't available.  You should be
able to use the fsl versions of the executables other than msm (so,
msmresample, etc) with any version of msm.

I'm not sure about your other questions.


On Thu, Apr 4, 2019 at 1:29 PM Moataz Assem <>

> Hi,
> What is the recommended version of the MSM binaries to use? The rep
> directory ( has v1.0.0 and
> v3.0.0 and I was previously using v2 from here:
> Also what is the difference between these binaries and the ones downloaded
> with fsl? In otherwords, can I just point the MSMBINDIR in the
> to  ~/fsl/bin/ since it contains all the msm related
> functions?
> Also I would appreciate a clarification on the list of compiled files to
> make sure exist in the directory pointed to for the MSMBINDIR variable.
> Thanks
> Moataz
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