Dear HCP experts,

An error was occurred when I used fMRI surface generation pipeline:
While running:
wb_command -cifti-create-dense-timeseries /{PATH to 
subject}/MNINonLinear/Results/{task name}/{task name}_temp_subject.dtseries.nii 
-volume /{PATH to subject}/MNINonLinear/Results/{task name}/{task name}.nii.gz 
/{PATH to subject}/MNINonLinear/ROIs/ROIs.2.nii.gz

ERROR: label volume has a different volume space than data volume

I used in Example/ directory to 
call the pipeline. The parameters (LowResMesh, FinalfMRIResolution and 
GrayordinatesResolution) were set in accord with that inPostFreesurferPipeline 
and fMRIVolume pipeline.

Given than my fMRI data were acquired by multiband sequence, so I wonder if the 
pipeline was expected to do some extra modifications to fit multiband image?

1. Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
2. HCP pipeline 4.0.0
3. Workbench 1.3.2
4. FreeSurfer 6.0
5. FSL 5.0.9 

Qunjun Liang, Ph.D.
School of psychology
South China Normal University
Zhongshan Avenue West 55, Tianhe District
Guangzhou 510631
P. R. China
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