Hi HCP people,

Still a newbie on the use of HCP pipelines, please excuse me if my 
question/comment is trivial.

I'm currently attempting to run a fMRIVolume pipeline on an fMRI dataset using 
spin echo field maps (AP - PA). This pipeline worked fine the very first time I 
ran it, but now it stops running when calling for the TopupPreprocessingAll.sh, 
with the following error:

Error: Spin echo fieldmap has different dimensions than scout image, this 
requires a manual fix.

A more complete version of the report is:

Wed Apr 10 15:44:04 EDT 2019 - MotionCorrection.sh: Change names of all 
matrices in OutputMotionMatrixFolder
Wed Apr 10 15:44:07 EDT 2019 - MotionCorrection.sh: Run the Derive function to 
generate appropriate regressors from the par file
Wed Apr 10 15:44:30 EDT 2019 - MotionCorrection.sh: END
Wed Apr 10 15:44:30 EDT 2019 - GenericfMRIVolumeProcessingPipeline.sh: EPI 
Distortion Correction and EPI to T1w Registration
Wed Apr 10 15:44:30 EDT 2019 - GenericfMRIVolumeProcessingPipeline.sh: mkdir -p 
Wed Apr 10 15:44:32 EDT 2019 - 
DistortionCorrectionAndEPIToT1wReg_FLIRTBBRAndFreeSurferBBRbased.sh: START
Wed Apr 10 15:44:32 EDT 2019 - TopupPreprocessingAll.sh: START: Topup Field Map 
Generation and Gradient Unwarping
Wed Apr 10 15:44:32 EDT 2019 - TopupPreprocessingAll.sh: Error: Spin echo 
fieldmap has different dimensions than scout image, this requires a manual fix

Been looking up for similar issues in the past but couldn't find any. I have 
run the PreFreeSurfer, FreeSurfer and PostFresurfer pipelines before on the 
structural images.

Been thinking about changing the field map size myself, but still wonder why 
things worked in the past and not anymore. I'm willing to share whatever bit of 
code/data might be helpful to figure out the issue, but I prefer to wait until 
you tell me what you need exactly.



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