Dear Experts, I am running the following script from ${StudyFolder}/${Subject}/scripts after running MR ICA+FIX with success, and I am getting the following error:
ERROR: failed to open file '/Volumes/data/data3/NTTMS/NTTMS_s002/NTTMS_s002_170812/MNINonLinear/Results/RS_fMRI_MR/RS_fMRI_MR_Atlas_hppd2_clean_vn_tempcompute.dscalar.nii', file does not exist, or folder permissions prevent seeing it I set up the script as follow: fMRINames="RS_fMRI_MR" OutfMRIName="RS_fMRI_MR_REST" HighPass="pd2" fMRIProcSTRING="_Atlas_hppd2_clean" MSMAllTemplates="${HCPPIPEDIR}/global/templates/MSMAll" RegName="MSMAll_InitalReg" HighResMesh="164" LowResMesh="32" InRegName="MSMSulc" MatlabMode="1" #Mode=0 compiled Matlab, Mode=1 interpreted Matlab I checked and the file called: *tempcompute.dscalar.nii’, is not there. What am I doing wrong? Something went wrong in the previous step while running MR ICA+FIX that I am not aware of? Thanks a lot! Leah. _______________________________________________ HCP-Users mailing list