Dear experts,

We have run the HCP minimal preprocessing pipelines on our data (1 mm isotropic 
T1w and FLAIR + rest and 4 tasks) and compared test-retest reliability for 
MSMSulc and MSMAll in 20 subjects. Specifically, we looked at intraclass 
correlations for parcellated cortical thickness and surface area and found that 
they were much lower for MSMAll compared to MSMSulc in our test-retest sample 
(MSMSulc on average above 0.9 and for MSMAll around 0.65 on average). When we 
looked in HCP retest data, the ICCs for MSMAll were more similar to those for 
MSMSulc (both above 0.9), but still slightly lower.

There are a few major differences in how we ran the pipeline. We skipped 
sICA+FIX and ran our own preprocessing on task and rest fMRI after fMRIVolume 
but before fMRISulc (bandpass filtering, motion correction, censoring, 
CompCorr, and regressed out tasks). We thought our processing would be ok for 
cleaning task fMRI, but I see that sICA+FIX is highly recommended before 
running MSMAll 
(, so 
I’m planning to try to rerun with sICA+FIX. Do you think that MSMAll is so 
dependent on sICA+FIX that it could be causing these problems in our data or do 
you have any other ideas about why we're getting such a large drop in ICCs for 
MSMAll? In other words, what are the minimal preprocessing requirements to 
effectively use MSMAll in non-HCP data? Any comments would be appreciated!

Thank you,

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