Dear experts

In my center we are studying cortico-striatal functional connectivity, and
cortical/striatal local measures (ALFF, ReHo) on a locally acquired sample.
For that we are using Choi's functional parcellation, distributed as a
volumetric NIFTI file, in MNI152 space. We want to validate our measures
with a subset of the S1200 release (resting state, 3T). Specifically I have
used the ICA-FIX cleaned and MSM-all registered files, i.e.:

The thing is I have doubts on the way to convert nifti ROIs to cifti format
in this case.

My first approach:

1. Load a cifti template file and the NIFTI ROI file in MATLAB. The roi
file is a volume containing 0s and 1s.
2. Use the inverse of the NIFTI's transformation matrix to convert the XYZ
coordinates in MNI space from each grayordinate to XYZ coordinates in the
NIFTI'S volume space. (The matrix is corrected to account for MATLAB's
1-based matrix indexing)
3. The values of the NIFTI volume for the obtained coordinates define the
ROI in the output cifti.
4. Keep only the grayordinates that are set to one by my method and that
are labeled as striatum (i.e. caudate, putamen or accumbens) in the cifti

This aproach is rather hand-made, and I wonder if I am missing something
important. Conceptually it looks correct to me, but the ROIs appear
slightly displaced to the right, which might affect the results.
To load the CIFTIs I use fieltdrip's ft_cifti_read( ), which for this
purpose works well (it reads the grayordinate positions and labels), and to
load the NIFTIs I use Freesurfer's load_nifti( ).
Is this method correct, or is there something important I'm not taking into

Now I'm trying to do the same with wb_command to compare, but I cannot get
it working. The procedure I use is:

# Resample the ROI file to 2x2x2 resolution with ANTs:
ResampleImage 3 "$NiftiFileIn" "$NiftiFileResampled" 2x2x2 0
# Convert the obtained nifti to cifti:
wb_command -cifti-create-dense-from-template "$CiftiDscalarTemplateFile"
"$CiftiOut" -volume-all "$NiftiFileResampled"

Which outputs the error: -volume-all specifies a volume file that doesn't
match the volume space of the template cifti file
Is there anything wrong with my way of doing this procedure?

Thanks in advance,

Best regards,
Jaime Caballero-Insaurriaga

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