I have a pdconn input (cortical ptseries by subcortical dtseries) that I'd
like to analyze with PALM, but I'm having some trouble. I only found one
old post related to this, but the only suggestion was to use -transpose
data flag in palm. When palm tries to read in the pdconn, I get an error
"Undefined function or variable 'Y'". The command line output is below. I
tried with the data transposed and not, but I get the same error. I tried
to separate the pdconn to just the volume, but this yielded a segmentation
error: ($ wb_command -cifti-separate input.pdconn.nii ROW -volume-all test
/Applications/workbench/bin_macosx64/wb_command: line 14:  1248
Segmentation fault: 11
 "$directory"/../macosx64_apps/wb_command.app/Contents/MacOS/wb_command "$@"

Are there any additional commands I can run on a pdconn to separate each
parcel and have a series of dconn files? I'd be interested in doing this in
order to compare the dense connectivity maps for different parcels.


*Command line output for palm*
Running PALM alpha115 using MATLAB (R2018b) Update 4 with the
following options:
-i input.pdconn.nii
-o palm
-d design.mat
-t design.con
Found FSL in /usr/local/fsl
Found FreeSurfer in /Applications/freesurfer
Found HCP Workbench executable in
Reading input 1/1: input.pdconn.nii
Error using palm_ready
Undefined function or variable 'Y'

Joseph M. Orr, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences
Texas A&M Institute for Neuroscience
Texas A&M University
College Station, TX

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