Tractography visualization is somewhat rough around the edges.  What was
the full probtrackx command you used?  Do you have bingham parameter
volumes for the fiber orientations (mean, stdev, theta, phi, psi, ka, kb),
or only the fiber orientation sample volumes?


On Fri, Jun 7, 2019 at 7:48 AM DE CASTRO Vanessa <>

> Good morning, I would like to transform my data obtained with fsl's
> probtackx, to visualized them with wb_view. But the instructions to run the
> command is not clear for me. I've tried several choices but there is always
> something missing or nor recognized (I'm very naive with all this.. just
> starting). Could you show a practical example to run it, please?
> Thank you very much
> *--*
> *Vanessa DeCastro, PhD*
> *Centre de Recherche Cerveau et Cognition - UMR 5549 - CNRS
> Pavillon Baudot CHU Purpan
> 31052 Toulouse Cedex 03, France *
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