(i) You can use wb_command -cifti-label-export-table on the dlabel file to
get the order of the parcels in a fixed format, though there are extra
lines and numbers in the output text file.  360 parcels is a rather long
table, you might consider a matrix figure instead, and only mention the
highlights.  If you make the figure in wb_view, then you can upload the
scene to BALSA, which will include the data files used to make it, allowing
others to use your data directly instead of looking through a table.

Someone else will need to answer (ii).


On Thu, Jun 20, 2019 at 10:32 PM Marta Moreno <mmorenoort...@icloud.com>

> Dear experts,
> After running:
> 1.  PreFreeSurfer
> 2.  FreeSurfer
> 3.  PostFreeSurfer
> 4.  fMRIVolume
> 5.  fMRISurface
> 6.  ICA+FIX (MR+FIX)
> 7.  MSMAll (Do MSM Surface Registration)
> 8.  dedrift and resample pipeline
> 2 questions:
> (i) I used wb_command -cifti-parcellate and wb_command -cifti-correlation
> to create a parcellation.pconn.nii file per each subject. I have uploaded
> all files into matlab and now would like to create a table that includes
> all subjects’ correlation value from parcel 264 to all 360 parcels, and
> include the variable names for all 360 parcels. How can I do this?
> (ii) Is the file “RS_fMRI_MR_Atlas_MSMAll_Test_hp0_clean.dtseries.nii”
> the final step after (8) to use for wb_command -cifti-parcellate and 
> wb_command
> -cifti-correlation
> Thanks,
> L.
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