Agree. It is a regression in 2.x, though even in 1.x such method as corruptBlockOnDataNode() uses "" property instead of instance data_dir to locate data directory and will possibly corrupt blocks on wrong mini cluster if "" property is changed after the cluster is instantiated.

This is a regression. for 1.0 you can change dir by setting the relevant data directory "".
In 2.0 it is also possible to use "hdfs.minidfs.basedir" configuration option to change base directory. It still does not prevent two clusters to be started at the same time that use the same base directory effectively invalidating one of them. The best option is to change data directory (for example "data", "data1", "data2") for every instance that share the same MiniDFSCluster base directory or at minimum fail the second instance if the first instance is up and running using the same base directory. I'll file new JIRA for voting once I fix HDFS-3892.


-----Original Message----- From: Steve Loughran
Sent: Friday, September 07, 2012 6:15 AM
Subject: Re: MiniDFSCluster

On 5 September 2012 18:42, Vladimir Rozov <> wrote:

There are few methods on MiniDFSCluster class that are declared as static
(getBlockFile, getStorageDirPath), though as long as MiniDFSCluster is not
a singleton they should be instance methods not class methods.

These aren't in 1.x, but new stuff in 2.x, which means that this behaviour
is a regression.

In my tests I see that starting second instance of MiniDFSCluster
invalidates the first instance if I don’t change cluster base directory
(existing data directory is fully deleted), but at the same time static
declaration of getBlockFile and getStorageDirPath does not allow base
directory to be changed without affecting functionality.

This is a regression. for 1.0 you can change dir by setting the relevant
data directory "".

I don't see any reason why the static stuff is really needed, it's used in
various tests, but that could be changed -especially as the static methods
aren't in 1.x.

Why not file a JIRA -and perhaps a patch?

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