On Tue, Dec 4, 2012 at 6:00 PM, Radim Kolar <h...@filez.com> wrote:
> Its not about writing patches, its about to get them committed. I have
> experience that getting something committed takes months even on simple
> patch. I have about 10 patches floating around none of them was committed in
> last 4 weeks.

Could you share a list of Jiras you're concerned about? I've seen a
few patches you provided that got committed just fine, and I've seen a
few patches that I thought didn't have a strong justification that
didn't get committed, and I think I've seen a few Jiras that I thought
were a good idea that haven't been committed yet due to outstanding
review feedback or lack of a committer who can volunteer to do the

I'm not saying that the Hadoop process is perfect, far from it, but
from where I sit (like you I'm a contributor but not yet a committer)
it seems to be working OK so far for both you and I. Some things could
be better, but the current fairly-conservative process has the benefit
of keeping trunk in a really sane, safe state.

> They are really simple stuff. I haven't tried to go with some
> more elaborated patch because Bible says: if you fail easy thing, you will
> fail hard thing too.
> I am thinking day by day that i really need to fork hadoop otherwise there
> is no way to move it forward where i need it to be.

Forking is tempting, but working with the community is really
powerful. You've got plenty of successful jiras under your belt, let's
just keep on truckin' and build a better Hadoop.


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