
I was originally researching options to work on ACCUMULO-1197. Basically,
it was a bid to pass trace functionality through the DFSClient. I discussed
with the guys over there on implementing a Google Dapper-style trace with
HTrace. The guys at HBase are also trying to achieve the same HTrace
integration [HBASE-6449]

But, that meant adding stuff to the RPC in HDFS. For a start, we've to add
a 64-bit span-id to every RPC with tracing enabled. There's some more in
the original Dapper paper and HTrace documentation.

I was told by the Accumulo people to talk with and seek help from the
experts at HDFS. I'm open to suggestions.

Additionally, I'm participating in a Joint Mentoring Programme by Apache
which is quite similar to GSoC. Luciano Resende (Community Development,
Apache) is incharge of the programme. I'll attach a link. The last date is
19th July. So, I'm pretty tensed without any mentors :(

[1] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/ACCUMULO-1197
[2] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HDFS-4680
[3] https://github.com/cloudera/htrace
[4] http://community.apache.org/mentoringprogramme-icfoss-pilot.html
[5] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HBASE-6449

Thank you,
Sreejith R

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