I' like to upgrade to protobuf 2.5.0 for the 2.1.0 release. As mentioned in HADOOP-9845, Protobuf 2.5 has significant benefits to justify the upgrade.
Doing the upgrade now, with the first beta, will make things easier for downstream projects (like HBase) using protobuf and adopting Hadoop 2. If we do the upgrade later, downstream projects will have to support 2 different versions and they my get in nasty waters due to classpath issues. I've locally tested the patch in a pseudo deployment of 2.1.0-beta branch and it works fine (something is broken in trunk in the RPC layer YARN-885). Now, to do this it will require a few things: * Make sure protobuf 2.5.0 is available in the jenkins box * A follow up email to dev@ aliases indicating developers should install locally protobuf 2.5.0 Thanks. -- Alejandro