
I am new in Hadoop Faults Injection and I am trying to understand it. First
i checkout the project:
*svn checkout

After I compile the project and tryed to run some tests:

*cd hadoop-1.1.2*

ant clean

ant compile


ant injectfaults

ant jar-test-fault-inject

ant run-test-core-fault-inject

The problem is that when I execute the last test, this command erase all my
configurations at conf/core-site.xml conf/hadoop-env.sh conf/hdfs-site.xml
and conf/mapred-site.xml.

ant run-fault-inject-with-testcaseonly -Dtestcase=TestDU*

I am also trying to understand how can I create classes of Fault Injection
on Hadoop.

Thanks in advance!
-- Felipe Oliveira Gutierrez
-- felipe.o.gutier...@gmail.com
-- https://sites.google.com/site/lipe82/Home/diaadia*

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