Hi Youssef,

You might want to review the code for BlockPlacementPolicyDefault to get a
sense for how an implementation works.  Perhaps you could even start your
own work by copying and modifying that class.  This code would show you how
to get ahold of a DatanodeDescriptor and then use it to call

Hope this helps.

Chris Nauroth

On Fri, Jan 2, 2015 at 10:12 AM, Youssef Hatem <yousef.ha...@gmail.com>

> Hi,
> I am working on implementing a custom placement policy. So I created a
> class that extends BlockPlacementPolicy. I am trying to get a list of all
> DatanodeStorageInfo objects in order to be able to decide which one to
> choose for placement (based on certain criteria), this is the logic of
> chooseTarget method.
> Could you please tell me how can I get this list? I tried to do the
> following but I got none of these objects:
> DistributedFileSystem fs = (DistributedFileSystem)FileSystem.get(conf);
> //conf is passed in initialize method
> List<DatanodeStorageInfo> storageInfos = new ArrayList<>();
> for(DatanodeInfo node :
> fs.getDataNodeStats(HdfsConstants.DatanodeReportType.LIVE)){
>   if(node instanceof DatanodeDescriptor){
> storageInfos.addAll(Arrays.asList(((DatanodeDescriptor)node).getStorageInfo()));
>   }
> It seems though that none of the resulting DatanodeInfo objects are
> actually a DatanodeDescriptor therefor the storageInfos list is always
> empty.
> It would be great if you could provide me with more information on how to
> get a list of DatanodeStorageInfo objects.
> Thanks a lot in advance,
> Youssef

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