Interestingly, that FindBugs warning in hadoop-azure-datalake was not
flagged during pre-commit before I committed HADOOP-12666.  I'm going to
propose that we address it in scope of HADOOP-12875.

--Chris Nauroth

On 6/10/16, 10:30 AM, "Apache Jenkins Server" <>

>For more details, see
>No changes
>-1 overall
>The following subsystems voted -1:
>    findbugs unit
>The following subsystems voted -1 but
>were configured to be filtered/ignored:
>    cc checkstyle javac javadoc pylint shellcheck shelldocs whitespace
>The following subsystems are considered long running:
>(runtime bigger than 1h  0m  0s)
>    unit
>Specific tests:
>    FindBugs :
>       module:hadoop-tools/hadoop-azure-datalake
>       int value cast to float and then passed to Math.round in
>putStream.getSplitSize(int) At
>then passed to Math.round in
>putStream.getSplitSize(int) At[line
>    Failed junit tests :
>       hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.TestEditLog
>       hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.TestClientRMTokens
>       hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.TestAMAuthorization
>       hadoop.yarn.server.TestContainerManagerSecurity
>       hadoop.yarn.server.TestMiniYarnClusterNodeUtilization
>       hadoop.yarn.client.cli.TestLogsCLI
>       hadoop.yarn.client.api.impl.TestAMRMProxy
>       hadoop.yarn.client.api.impl.TestDistributedScheduling
>       hadoop.yarn.client.TestGetGroups
>       hadoop.mapred.TestMRCJCFileOutputCommitter
>    Timed out junit tests :
>       org.apache.hadoop.yarn.client.cli.TestYarnCLI
>       org.apache.hadoop.yarn.client.api.impl.TestAMRMClient
>       org.apache.hadoop.yarn.client.api.impl.TestYarnClient
>       org.apache.hadoop.yarn.client.api.impl.TestNMClient
>   cc:
>/out/diff-compile-cc-root.txt  [4.0K]
>   javac:
>/out/diff-compile-javac-root.txt  [164K]
>   checkstyle:
>/out/diff-checkstyle-root.txt  [16M]
>   pylint:
>/out/diff-patch-pylint.txt  [16K]
>   shellcheck:
>/out/diff-patch-shellcheck.txt  [20K]
>   shelldocs:
>/out/diff-patch-shelldocs.txt  [16K]
>   whitespace:
>/out/whitespace-eol.txt  [12M]
>/out/whitespace-tabs.txt  [1.3M]
>   findbugs:
>   javadoc:
>/out/diff-javadoc-javadoc-root.txt  [2.3M]
>   unit:
>/out/patch-unit-hadoop-hdfs-project_hadoop-hdfs.txt  [144K]
>yarn-server-resourcemanager.txt  [60K]
>yarn-server-tests.txt  [268K]
>preduce-client-core.txt  [56K]
>preduce-client-jobclient.txt  [92K]
>preduce-client-nativetask.txt  [124K]
>Powered by Apache Yetus 0.4.0-SNAPSHOT

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