Thanks Konstantin!

+1 (non-binding)

I have tried several steps including:
- Download source package and check the checksums
- Build from source using Java 8
- Deploy a test cluster using docker containers w/ 5 DNs and 1 NN
- Run basic HDFS client/admin operations (e.g. read/write files, dfsadmin)
- Run NNThroughputBenchmark (using the new -fs option)
- Run DistCp and example apps (wordcount, sort)

All looked good to me.

> On Jul 29, 2017, at 4:29 PM, Konstantin Shvachko <> wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> Here is the next release of Apache Hadoop 2.7 line. The previous stable
> release 2.7.3 was available since 25 August, 2016.
> Release 2.7.4 includes 264 issues fixed after release 2.7.3, which are
> critical bug fixes and major optimizations. See more details in Release
> Note:
> The RC0 is available at:
> Please give it a try and vote on this thread. The vote will run for 5 days
> ending 08/04/2017.
> Please note that my up to date public key are available from:
> Please don't forget to refresh the page if you've been there recently.
> There are other place on Apache sites, which may contain my outdated key.
> Thanks,
> --Konstantin

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