On Mon, Aug 28, 2017, at 14:22, Allen Wittenauer wrote:
> > On Aug 28, 2017, at 12:41 PM, Jason Lowe <jl...@oath.com> wrote:
> > 
> > I think this gets back to the "if it's worth committing" part.
>       This brings us back to my original question:
>       "Doesn't this place an undue burden on the contributor with the first 
> incompatible patch to prove worthiness?  What happens if it is decided that 
> it's not good enough?"

I feel like this line of argument is flawed by definition.  "What
happens if the patch isn't worth breaking compatibility over"?  Then we
shouldn't break compatibility over it.  We all know that most
compatibility breaks are avoidable with enough effort.  And it's an
effort we should make, for the good of our users.

Most useful features can be implemented without compatibility breaks. 
And for the few that truly can't, the community should surely agree that
it's worth breaking compatibility before we do it.  If it's a really
cool feature, that approval will surely not be hard to get (I'm tempted
to quote your earlier email about how much we love features...)

>       The answer, if I understand your position, is then at least a maybe 
> leaning towards yes: a patch that prior to this branching policy change that  
> would have gone in without any notice now has a higher burden (i.e., major 
> feature) to prove worthiness ... and in the process eliminates a whole class 
> of contributors and empowers others. Thus my concern ...
> > As you mentioned, people are already breaking compatibility left and right 
> > as it is, which is why I wondered if it was really any better in practice.  
> > Personally I'd rather find out about a major breakage sooner than later, 
> > since if trunk remains an active area of development at all times it's more 
> > likely the community will sit up and take notice when something crazy goes 
> > in.  In the past, trunk was not really an actively deployed area for over 5 
> > years, and all sorts of stuff went in without people really being aware of 
> > it.
>       Given the general acknowledgement that the compatibility guidelines are 
> mostly useless in reality, maybe the answer is really that we're doing 
> releases all wrong.  Would it necessarily be a bad thing if we moved to a 
> model where incompatible changes gradually released instead of one big one 
> every seven?

I haven't seen anyone "acknowledge that... compatibility guidelines are
mostly useless"... even you.  Reading your posts from the past, I don't
get that impression.  On the contrary, you are often upset about
compatibility breakages.

What would be positive about allowing compatibility breaks in minor
releases?  Can you give a specific example of what would be improved?

>       Yes, I lived through the "walking on glass" days at Yahoo! and realize 
> what I'm saying.  But I also think the rate of incompatible changes has 
> slowed tremendously.  Entire groups of APIs aren't getting tossed out every 
> week anymore.
> > It sounds like we agree on that part but disagree on the specifics of how 
> > to help trunk remain active.
>       Yup, and there is nothing wrong with that. ;)
> >  Given that historically trunk has languished for years I was hoping this 
> > proposal would help reduce the likelihood of it happening again.  If we 
> > eventually decide that cutting branch-3 now makes more sense then I'll do 
> > what I can to make that work well, but it would be good to see concrete 
> > proposals on how to avoid the problems we had with it over the last 6 years.
>       Yup, agree. But proposals rarely seem to get much actual traction. 
> (It's kind of fun reading the Hadoop bylaws and compatibility guidelines and 
> old [VOTE] threads to realize how much stuff doesn't actually happen despite 
> everyone generally agree that abc is a good idea.)  To circle back a bit, I 
> do also agree that automation has a role to play....
>        Before anyone can accuse or imply me of being a hypocrite (and I'm 
> sure someone eventually will privately if not publicly), I'm sure some folks 
> don't realize I've been working on this set of problems from a different 
> angle for the past few years.
>       There are a handful of people that know I was going to attempt to do a 
> 3.x release a few years ago. [Andrew basically beat me to it. :) ] But I ran 
> into the release process.  What a mess.  Way too much manual work, lots of 
> undocumented bits, violation of ASF rules(!) , etc, etc.  We've all heard the 
> complaints.
>       My hypothesis:  if the release process itself is easier, then getting a 
> release based on trunk is easier too. The more we automate, the more 
> non-vendors ("non traditional release managers"?) will be willing to roll 
> releases.  The more people that feel comfortable rolling a release, the more 
> likelihood releases will happen.  The more likelihood of releases happening, 
> the greater chance trunk had of getting out the door.

There are also a lot of non-technical difficulties of the release
process.  Getting everyone to agree on a feature set, getting people to
stop trying to put changes in at the last minute, and getting people to
prioritize getting a release out the door are hard problems.  I think
Andrew has done a very good job on the whole, at a task which is pretty

>       That turned into years worth of fixing and automating lots of stuff 
> that was continual complained about but never fixed:  release notes, 
> changes.txt, chunks of the build process, chunks of the release tar ball 
> process, fixing consistency, etc.  Some of that became a part of Yetus, some 
> of it didn't.  Some of that work leaked into branch-2 at some point. Many 
> probably don't know why this stuff was happening.  Then there were the people 
> that claimed I was "wasting my time" and that I should be focusing on "more 
> important" things.  (Press release features, I'm assuming.)

Thank you for your work on the build system, Allen... and on automating
release-related things.


>       So, yes, I'd like to see proposals, but I'd also like to challenge the 
> community at large to spend more time on these build processes.  There's a 
> tremendous amount of cruft and our usage of maven is still nearly primordial 
> in implementation. (Shout out to Marton Elek who has some great although 
> ambitious ideas.)  
>       Also kudos to Andrew for putting create-release and a lot of my other 
> changes through their paces in the early days.  When he publicly stepped up 
> to do the release, I don't know if he realized what he was walking into... 
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