> On 7 Nov 2017, at 19:08, Vinod Kumar Vavilapalli <vino...@apache.org> wrote:
>> Frankly speaking, working on some bridging release not targeting any feature 
>> isn't so attractive to me as a contributor. Overall, the final minor release 
>> off branch-2 is good, we should also give 3.x more time to evolve and 
>> mature, therefore it looks to me we would have to work on two release lines 
>> meanwhile for some time. I'd like option C), and suggest we focus on the 
>> recent releases.
> Answering this question is also one of the goals of my starting this thread. 
> Collectively we need to conclude if we are okay or not okay with no longer 
> putting any new feature work in general on the 2.x line after 2.9.0 release 
> and move over our focus into 3.0.
> Thanks
> +Vinod

As a developer of new features (e.g the Hadoop S3A committers), I'm mostly 
already committed to targeting 3.1; the code in there to deal with failures and 
retries has unashamedly embraced java 8 lambda-expressions in production code: 
backporting that is going to be traumatic in terms of IDE-assisted code changes 
and the resultant diff in source between branch-2 & trunk. What's worse, its 
going to be traumatic to test as all my JVMs start with an 8 at the moment, and 
I'm starting to worry about whether I should bump a windows VM up to Java 9 to 
keep an eye on Akira's work there. Currently the only testing I'm really doing 
on java 7 is yetus branch-2 & internal test runs.

3.0 will be out the door, and we can assume that CDH will ship with it soon (*) 
 which will allow for a rapid round trip time on inevitable bugs: 3.1 can be 
the release with compatibility tuned, those reported issues addressed. It's 
certainly where I'd like to focus.

At the same time: 2.7.2-2.8.x are the broadly used versions, we can't just say 
"move to 3.0" & expect everyone to do it, not given we have explicitly got 
backwards-incompatible changes in. I don't seen people rushing to do it until 
the layers above are all qualified (HBase, Hive, Spark, ...). Which means big 
users of 2.7/2,8 won't be in a rush to move and we are going to have to 
maintain 2.x for a while, including security patches for old versions. One 
issue there: what if a patch (such as bumping up a JAR version) is incompatible?

For me then

* 3.1+ for new features
* fixes to 3.0.x &, where appropriate, 2.9, esp feature stabilisation
* whoever puts their hand up to do 2.x releases deserves support in testing &c
* If someone makes a really strong case to backport a feature from 3.x to 
branch-2 and its backwards compatible, I'm not going to stop them. It's just 
once 3.0 is out and a 3.1 on the way, it's less compelling


Note: I'm implicitly assuming a timely 3.1 out the door with my work included, 
all all issues arriving from 3,0 fixed. We can worry when 3.1 ships whether 
there's any benefit in maintaining a 3.0.x, or whether it's best to say "move 
to 3.1"

(*) just a guess based the effort & test reports of Andrew & others

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