+1  (non-binding)
Thanks for driving this.

--Built from the source.
--Installed 3 Node Cluster.
--Ran basic shell commands.
--Ran sample jobs, pi,wordcount.


On 12/1/17, 8:42 PM, "Konstantin Shvachko" <shv.had...@gmail.com> wrote:

    Hi everybody,
    This is the next dot release of Apache Hadoop 2.7 line. The previous one
    2.7.4 was release August 4, 2017.
    Release 2.7.5 includes critical bug fixes and optimizations. See more
    details in Release Note:
    The RC0 is available at: http://home.apache.org/~shv/hadoop-2.7.5-RC0/
    Please give it a try and vote on this thread. The vote will run for 5 days
    ending 12/08/2017.
    My up to date public key is available from:

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