Thanks Andrew for driving this.

+1 (Binding)

Ran SLS + CS's Perf unit test and saw similar performance compared to

Compiled from source, deployed single node cluster and ran several jobs.


On Wed, Dec 13, 2017 at 7:29 AM, Sunil G <> wrote:

> +1 (binding)
> Thanks Andrew Wang for driving this effort and also thanks to all others
> who helped in this release. Kudos!!!
> I tested this RC by building it from source. I met with couple of issues
> (not blocker) HADOOP-15116 and YARN-7650. This could be tracked separately.
>    - Ran many MR apps and verified both new YARN UI and old RM UI.
>    - Tested below feature sanity and got results as per the behavior
>       - Application priority (verified CLI/REST/UI etc)
>       - Application timeout
>       - Intra Queue preemption with priority based
>       - Inter Queue preemption
>    - Tested basic NodeLabel scenarios.
>       - Added couple of labels to few of nodes and behavior is coming
>       correct.
>       - Verified old UI  and new YARN UI for labels.
>       - Submitted apps to labelled cluster and it works fine.
>       - Also performed few cli commands related to nodelabel.
>    - Test basic HA cases and seems correct. However I got one issue.
>    Raised HADOOP-15116 as its not a blocker.
>    - Also tested new YARN UI . All pages are getting loaded correctly.
>    (User must enable CORS to access NodeManager pages)
>    - *Performance test*: I ran a tight loop perf test on CS
>    TestCapacitySchedulerPerf#testUserLimitThroughputForTwoResources.
>    Results are a bit off w.r.t 2.8  (~5% less). I will open a ticket and
>    investigate by doing more tests to see if its to be addressed or not.
> - Sunil G
> On Sat, Dec 9, 2017 at 2:01 AM Andrew Wang <>
> wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > Let me start, as always, by thanking the efforts of all the contributors
> > who contributed to this release, especially those who jumped on the
> issues
> > found in RC0.
> >
> > I've prepared RC1 for Apache Hadoop 3.0.0. This release incorporates 302
> > fixed JIRAs since the previous 3.0.0-beta1 release.
> >
> > You can find the artifacts here:
> >
> >
> >
> > I've done the traditional testing of building from the source tarball and
> > running a Pi job on a single node cluster. I also verified that the
> shaded
> > jars are not empty.
> >
> > Found one issue that create-release (probably due to the mvn deploy
> change)
> > didn't sign the artifacts, but I fixed that by calling mvn one more time.
> > Available here:
> >
> >
> >
> > This release will run the standard 5 days, closing on Dec 13th at 12:31pm
> > Pacific. My +1 to start.
> >
> > Best,
> > Andrew
> >

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