Hi Wei-Chiu,

At the beginning, we have noted HDFS-9260 which changing the structure of the 
stored blocks. With multiple adding/removing under this structure, there will 
be a performance degradation.
But we think this will reach a stable state, and HDFS-9260 isn’t the root cause 
from our point of view.

>Did you observe clients failing to close file due to insufficient number of 
>block replicas? Did NN fail over?
No failing close file warning in client. And no NN fail over happened.

>Did you have gc logging enabled? Any chance to take a heap dump and analyze 
>what's in there?
We have enabled gc logging but haven’t take the analysis for the NN heap dump. 
From the gc log, we find average time of ygc around 0.02s but total ygc time 
within one day are increasing day by day.

>There were quite some NN scalability and GC improvements between CDH5.5 ~ 
>CDH5.8 time frame. We have customers at/beyond your scale in your version but 
>I don't think I've heard similar symptoms.
Thanks for sharing this.


发件人: Wei-Chiu Chuang [mailto:weic...@cloudera.com]
发送时间: 2018年9月26日 11:14
收件人: 林意群[运营中心]
抄送: Hdfs-dev
主题: Re: NN run progressively slower

Is this related to HDFS-9260?
Note that HDFS-9260 was backported since CDH5.7 and above.

I'm interested to learn more. Did you observe clients failing to close file due 
to insufficient number of block replicas? Did NN fail over?
Did you have gc logging enabled? Any chance to take a heap dump and analyze 
what's in there?

There were quite some NN scalability and GC improvements between CDH5.5 ~ 
CDH5.8 time frame. We have customers at/beyond your scale in your version but I 
don't think I've heard similar symptoms.


On Tue, Sep 25, 2018 at 2:04 AM Lin,Yiqun(vip.com<http://vip.com>) 
<yiqun01....@vipshop.com<mailto:yiqun01....@vipshop.com>> wrote:
Hi hdfs developers:

We meet a bad problem after rolling upgrade our hadoop version from 
2.5.0-cdh5.3.2 to 2.6.0-cdh5.13.1. The problem is that we find NN running slow 
periodically (around a week). Concretely to say, For example, we startup NN on 
Monday, it will run fast. But time coming to Weekends, our cluster will become 
very slow.

In the beginning, we thought maybe some FSN lock caused by this. And we did 
some improvements for this, e.g. configurable the remove block interval, print 
FSN lock elapsed time. After this, the problem still exists, :(. So we suspect 
this maybe not a hdfs rpc problem.

Finally we find a related phenomenon: every time NN runs slow, its old gen 
reaches a high value, around 100GB. Actually, NN total metadata size is just 
around 40GB in our clsuter. So for the temporary solution, we reduce the heap 
space and trigger full gc frequently. Now it looks better than before but we 
haven’t found the root cause of this. Not so sure if this is a jvm tuning 
problem or a hdfs bug?

Anyone who has met the similar problem in this version? Why the NN old gen 
space greatly increased?

Some information of our env:
500+ Nodes, 150 million blocks, around 40GB metadata size will be used.

Appreciate if anyone who can share your comments.

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