+Hdfs-dev <hdfs-dev@hadoop.apache.org>
Hi Shuubham,

Just like to clarify a bit. What's the purpose of this work? Is this for
the general block placement policy in HDFS, or the
balancer/mover/diskbalancer, or decommissioning/recommissioning? Block
placement is determined by NameNode. Do you intend to shorten the time to
decide where a block is placed? Do you want to reduce the time such that
re-replication takes less time?

I'm asking this because I don't think there's ever a placementmonitor or a
blockmonitor class.

On Wed, Dec 19, 2018 at 10:36 PM Shuubham Ojha <shuubhamo...@gmail.com>

> Hello All,
>                        I am Shuubham Ojha a graduate researcher with the
> University Of Melbourne. We have developed a block placement strategy which
> optimises delay associated with reconstruction. As a result of this
> optimisation problem, we get a placement matrix for blocks which tells us
> which block has to be placed at which node. We have been able to implement
> this strategy in Hadoop 2 by tweaking the file *placementmonitor.java*
> and *blockmover.java* where *placementmonitor.java* monitors the
> placement process and calls *blockmover.java* when the placement is not
> according the strategy. However, I can't find any such file analogous to
> *placementmonitor.java* in Hadoop 3 although I think that the closest
> file which performs this function is *balancer.java* located in
> hadoop-hdfs-project. Can anybody please provide me more information on this
> front?
> Warm Regards,
> Shuubham Ojha
> University Of Melbourne,
> Victoria, Australia- 3010

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