Hi! I am soliciting feedbacks for HDFS roadmap items and wish list in the future Hadoop releases. A community meetup <https://www.meetup.com/Hadoop-Contributors/events/262055924/?rv=ea1_v2&_xtd=gatlbWFpbF9jbGlja9oAJGJiNTE1ODdkLTY0MDAtNDFiZS1iOTU5LTM5ZWYyMDU1N2Q4Nw> is happening soon, and perhaps we can use this thread to converge on things we should talk about there.
I am aware of several major features that merged into trunk, such as RBF, Consistent Standby Serving Reads, as well as some recent features that merged into 3.2.0 release (storage policy satisfier). What else should we be doing? I have a laundry list of supportability improvement projects, mostly about improving performance or making performance diagnostics easier. I can share the list if folks are interested. Are there things we should do to make developer's life easier or things that would be nice to have for downstream applications? I know Sahil Takiar made a series of improvements in HDFS for Impala recently, and those improvements are applicable to other downstreamers such as HBase. Or would it help if we provide more Hadoop API examples?