Attendees: Wei-Chiu (Cloudera), Ekanth (Uber), Craig (Target), Fabbri Fabric: mostly mentoring folks. Ad-hoc, self initiating. Google's Summer of Code is too much overhead. meeting every 2-4 weeks. Target: interested in future HDFS features. Uber is on 2.8.2, interested in NameNode startup time improvements. Anu: NameNode startup time improvement: HDFS-14617 <> *Multiple standby NNs:* Anu: Multiple standby NN tested up to 5 NNs. Target uses 3 NNs. Convenient when there’s a catastrophe happening at NNs. Wei-Chiu: not currently supported at Cloudera, but we are looking into supporting it soon. I.e. integration with Cloudera Manager. *Performance:* Wei-Chiu: At Cloudera we are looking at the performance of security features: at-rest encryption, RPC encryption.