Apache Hadoop欢迎来自世界各地的参与者。我很高兴代表Hadoop PMC宣布我们创建了user...@hadoop.apache.org

这个邮件列表的目的是给中文(简体/正体)用户询问关于Apache Hadoop的问题。欢迎善于使用中文的参与者利用此列表发问。

过去数年间我们发现在中国的本地用户社区蓬勃成长。包括去年第一次在北京由Apache Hadoop
Hadoop成为一个更加多元的社区。我们也希望借此能使中文用户以Apache Way交流,并使它成为中文世界用户社区与世界用户社区之间的桥梁。

请注意虽然user-zh邮件列表是为中文用户讨论而设立,开发的讨论包括设计及代码修改仍应以英文在 *-dev@, JIRAs and

user-zh-subscr...@hadoop.apache.org 订阅此列表。非订阅者的信件经审核后可发出。

- 庄伟赳(Apache Hadoop PMC代表)


Apache Hadoop歡迎來自世界各地的參與者。我很高興代表Hadoop PMC宣布我們建立了user...@hadoop.apache.org

這個郵件列表的目的是給中文(簡體/正體)使用者詢問關於Apache Hadoop的問題。歡迎善於使用中文的參與者利用此列表發問。

過去數年間我們發現在中國的本地使用者社群蓬勃成長。包括去年第一次在北京由Apache Hadoop
Hadoop成為一個更加多元的社群。我們也希望藉此能使中文使用者以Apache Way交流,並使它成為中文世界使用者社群與世界使用者社群之間的橋樑。

請注意雖然user-zh郵件列表是為中文使用者討論而設立,開發的討論包括設計及程式碼修改仍應以英文在 *-dev@, JIRAs and

user-zh-subscr...@hadoop.apache.org 訂閱此列表。非訂閱者的信件經審核後可發出。

- 莊偉赳(Apache Hadoop PMC代表)

On Fri, Feb 28, 2020 at 9:30 AM Wei-Chiu Chuang <weic...@apache.org> wrote:

> Hi!
> Apache Hadoop welcomes contributors from around the world. On behalf of
> the Hadoop PMC, I am pleased to announce the creation of a new mailing list
> user...@hadoop.apache.org.
> The intent of this mailing list is to act as a place for users to ask
> questions about Apache Hadoop in Chinese (Traditional/Simplified).
> Individuals who feel more comfortable communicating in Chinese should feel
> welcome to ask questions in Chinese on this list.
> Over the past few years we have observed a healthy growing local user
> local community in China. Evidence include the first ever Hadoop
> Community Meetup
> <https://blogs.apache.org/hadoop/entry/hadoop-community-meetup-beijing-aug> in
> Beijing hosted by the Apache Hadoop PMC last year. We hope that by creating
> a Mandarin Chinese friendly mailing list will make the Apache Hadoop
> project a more diverse community. We also hope that by doing so, will make
> the Chinese users to operate in the Apache Way, and to serve as a bridge
> between the local user community with the global community.
> Please note that while the user-zh mailing list is set up for user
> discussions in Mandarin, development discussions such as design and code
> changes should still go to *-dev@, JIRAs and GitHub in English as is.
> The mailing list is live as of now and the website
> <https://hadoop.apache.org/mailing_lists.html> will be updated shortly to
> include the mailing list. Any one can subscribe to this list by sending an
> email to user-zh-subscr...@hadoop.apache.org. Non-subscribers may also
> post messages after the moderators' approvals.
> - Wei-Chiu Chuang (on behalf of the Apache Hadoop PMC)

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