Hi Wei-chu and steve,

Thanks for sharing insights.

I have also tried to compile and execute ozone pointing to
trunk(3.4.0-SNAPSHOT) which have shaded and upgraded protobuf.

Other than just the usage of internal protobuf APIs, because of which
compilation would break, I found another major problem was, the Hadoop-rpc
implementations in downstreams which is based on non-shaded Protobuf

'ProtobufRpcEngine' takes arguments and tries to typecast to Protobuf
'Message', which its expecting to be of 3.7 version and shaded package
(i.e. o.a.h.thirdparty.*).

So,unless downstreams upgrade their protobuf classes to 'hadoop-thirdparty'
this issue will continue to occur, even after solving compilation issues
due to internal usage of private APIs with protobuf signatures.

I found a possible workaround for this problem.
Please check https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HADOOP-17046
  This Jira proposes to keep existing ProtobuRpcEngine as-is (without
shading and with protobuf-2.5.0 implementation) to support downstream
  Use new ProtobufRpcEngine2 to use shaded protobuf classes within Hadoop
and later projects who wish to upgrade their protobufs to 3.x.

For Ozone compilation:
  I have submitted to PRs to make preparations to adopt to Hadoop 3.3+
upgrade. These PRs will remove dependency on Hadoop for those internal APIs
and implemented their own copy in ozone with non-shaded protobuf.
    HDDS-3603: https://github.com/apache/hadoop-ozone/pull/93
    HDDS-3604: https://github.com/apache/hadoop-ozone/pull/933

Also, I had run some tests on Ozone after applying these PRs and
HADOOP-17046 with 3.4.0, tests seems to pass.

Please help review these PRs.


On Wed, Apr 29, 2020 at 5:02 PM Steve Loughran <ste...@cloudera.com.invalid>

> Okay.
> I am not going to be a purist and say "what were they doing -using our
> private APIs?" because as we all know, with things like UGI tagged @private
> there's been no way to get something is done without getting into the
> private stuff.
> But why did we do the protobuf changes? So that we could update our private
> copy of protobuf with out breaking every single downstream application. The
> great protobuf upgrade to 2.5 is not something we wanted to repeat. When
> was that? before hadoop-2.2 shipped? I certainly remember a couple of weeks
> were absolutely nothing would build whatsoever, not until every downstream
> project had upgraded to the same version of the library.
> If you ever want to see an upgrade which makes a guava update seem a minor
> detail, protobuf upgrades are it. Hence the shading
> HBase
> =====
> it looks like HBase has been using deep internal stuff. That is,
> "unfortunate". I think in that world we have to look and say is there
> something specific we can do here to help HBase in a way we could also
> backport. They shouldn't need those IPC internals.
> Tez & Tokens
> ============
> I didn't know Tez was using those protobuf APIs internally. That is,
> "unfortunate".
> What is key is this: without us moving those methods things like Spark
> wouldn't work. And they weren't even using the methods, just trying to work
> with Token for job submission.
> All Tez should need is a byte array serialization of a token. Given Token
> is also Writable, that could be done via WritableUtils in a way which will
> also work with older releases.
> Ozone
> =====
> When these were part of/in-sync with the hadoop build there wouldn't have
> been problems. Now there are. Again, they're going in deep, but here
> clearly to simulate some behaviour. Any way to do that differently?
> Ratis
> =====
> No idea.
> On Wed, 29 Apr 2020 at 07:12, Wei-Chiu Chuang <weic...@cloudera.com.invalid
> >
> wrote:
> > Most of the problems are downstream applications using Hadoop's private
> > APIs.
> >
> > Tez:
> >
> > 17:08:38 2020/04/16 00:08:38 INFO    : [ERROR] COMPILATION ERROR :
> > 17:08:38 2020/04/16 00:08:38 INFO    : [INFO]
> > -------------------------------------------------------------
> > 17:08:38 2020/04/16 00:08:38 INFO    : [ERROR]
> >
> >
> /grid/0/jenkins/workspace/workspace/CDH-CANARY-parallel-centos7/SOURCES/tez/tez-plugins/tez-aux-services/src/main/java/org/apache/tez/auxservices/ShuffleHandler.java:[757,45]
> > incompatible types: com.google.protobuf.ByteString cannot be converted
> > to org.apache.hadoop.thirdparty.protobuf.ByteString
> > 17:08:38 2020/04/16 00:08:38 INFO    : [INFO] 1 error
> >
> >
> > Tez keeps track of job tokens internally.
> > The change would look like this:
> >
> > private void recordJobShuffleInfo(JobID jobId, String user,
> >     Token<JobTokenIdentifier> jobToken) throws IOException {
> >   if (stateDb != null) {
> >     TokenProto tokenProto = ProtobufHelper.protoFromToken(jobToken);
> >     /*TokenProto tokenProto = TokenProto.newBuilder()
> >         .setIdentifier(ByteString.copyFrom(jobToken.getIdentifier()))
> >         .setPassword(ByteString.copyFrom(jobToken.getPassword()))
> >         .setKind(jobToken.getKind().toString())
> >         .setService(jobToken.getService().toString())
> >         .build();*/
> >     JobShuffleInfoProto proto = JobShuffleInfoProto.newBuilder()
> >         .setUser(user).setJobToken(tokenProto).build();
> >     try {
> >       stateDb.put(bytes(jobId.toString()), proto.toByteArray());
> >     } catch (DBException e) {
> >       throw new IOException("Error storing " + jobId, e);
> >     }
> >   }
> >   addJobToken(jobId, user, jobToken);
> > }
> >
> >
> > HBase:
> >
> >    1. HBASE-23833 <https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HBASE-23833>
> > (this
> >    is recently fixed in the master branch)
> >    2.
> >
> >       [ERROR] Failed to execute goal
> > org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:3.8.1:compile
> > (default-compile) on project hbase-server: Compilation failure:
> > Compilation failure:
> >       [ERROR]
> >
> /Users/weichiu/sandbox/hbase/hbase-server/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/io/asyncfs/FanOutOneBlockAsyncDFSOutputSaslHelper.java:[361,44]
> > cannot access org.apache.hadoop.thirdparty.protobuf.MessageOrBuilder
> >       [ERROR]   class file for
> > org.apache.hadoop.thirdparty.protobuf.MessageOrBuilder not found
> >       [ERROR]
> >
> /Users/weichiu/sandbox/hbase/hbase-server/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/io/asyncfs/FanOutOneBlockAsyncDFSOutputSaslHelper.java:[362,14]
> > cannot access org.apache.hadoop.thirdparty.protobuf.GeneratedMessageV3
> >       [ERROR]   class file for
> > org.apache.hadoop.thirdparty.protobuf.GeneratedMessageV3 not found
> >       [ERROR]
> >
> /Users/weichiu/sandbox/hbase/hbase-server/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/io/asyncfs/FanOutOneBlockAsyncDFSOutputSaslHelper.java:[366,16]
> > cannot access org.apache.hadoop.thirdparty.protobuf.ByteString
> >       [ERROR]   class file for
> > org.apache.hadoop.thirdparty.protobuf.ByteString not found
> >       [ERROR]
> >
> /Users/weichiu/sandbox/hbase/hbase-server/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/io/asyncfs/FanOutOneBlockAsyncDFSOutputSaslHelper.java:[375,12]
> > cannot find symbol
> >       [ERROR]   symbol:   method
> >
> >
> writeDelimitedTo(org.apache.hbase.thirdparty.io.netty.buffer.ByteBufOutputStream)
> >       [ERROR]   location: variable proto of type
> >
> >
> org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.proto.DataTransferProtos.DataTransferEncryptorMessageProto
> >       [ERROR]
> >
> /Users/weichiu/sandbox/hbase/hbase-server/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/io/asyncfs/FanOutOneBlockAsyncDFSOutputSaslHelper.java:[702,81]
> > incompatible types:
> >
> >
> org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.proto.DataTransferProtos.DataTransferEncryptorMessageProto
> > cannot be converted to com.google.protobuf.MessageLite
> >       [ERROR]
> >
> /Users/weichiu/sandbox/hbase/hbase-server/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/io/asyncfs/FanOutOneBlockAsyncDFSOutputHelper.java:[314,66]
> > incompatible types:
> >
> >
> org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.proto.DataTransferProtos.BlockOpResponseProto
> > cannot be converted to com.google.protobuf.MessageLite
> >       [ERROR]
> >
> /Users/weichiu/sandbox/hbase/hbase-server/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/io/asyncfs/FanOutOneBlockAsyncDFSOutputHelper.java:[330,81]
> > cannot access org.apache.hadoop.thirdparty.protobuf.ProtocolMessageEnum
> >       [ERROR]   class file for
> > org.apache.hadoop.thirdparty.protobuf.ProtocolMessageEnum not found
> >       [ERROR]
> >
> /Users/weichiu/sandbox/hbase/hbase-server/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/io/asyncfs/FanOutOneBlockAsyncDFSOutputHelper.java:[380,10]
> > cannot find symbol
> >       [ERROR]   symbol:   method
> >
> >
> writeDelimitedTo(org.apache.hbase.thirdparty.io.netty.buffer.ByteBufOutputStream)
> >       [ERROR]   location: variable proto of type
> >
> org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.proto.DataTransferProtos.OpWriteBlockProto
> >       [ERROR]
> >
> /Users/weichiu/sandbox/hbase/hbase-server/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/io/asyncfs/FanOutOneBlockAsyncDFSOutputHelper.java:[422,77]
> > cannot access org.apache.hadoop.thirdparty.protobuf.Descriptors
> >       [ERROR]   class file for
> > org.apache.hadoop.thirdparty.protobuf.Descriptors not found
> >       [ERROR]
> >
> /Users/weichiu/sandbox/hbase/hbase-server/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/io/asyncfs/FanOutOneBlockAsyncDFSOutput.java:[323,64]
> > incompatible types:
> > org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.proto.DataTransferProtos.PipelineAckProto
> > cannot be converted to com.google.protobuf.MessageLite
> >       [ERROR]
> >
> /Users/weichiu/sandbox/hbase/hbase-server/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/wal/SyncReplicationWALProvider.java:[209,68]
> > invalid method reference
> >       [ERROR]   non-static method get() cannot be referenced from a
> > static context
> >
> >
> > Ozone:
> >
> > 17:01:19 2020/04/16 00:01:19 INFO    : [ERROR] COMPILATION ERROR :
> > 17:01:19 2020/04/16 00:01:19 INFO    : [INFO]
> > -------------------------------------------------------------
> > 17:01:19 2020/04/16 00:01:19 INFO    : [ERROR]
> >
> >
> /grid/0/jenkins/workspace/workspace/CDH-CANARY-parallel-centos7/SOURCES/ozone/hadoop-hdds/common/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hdds/scm/protocolPB/ScmBlockLocationProtocolClientSideTranslatorPB.java:[110,47]
> > incompatible types: com.google.protobuf.ServiceException cannot be
> > converted to org.apache.hadoop.thirdparty.protobuf.ServiceException
> > 17:01:19 2020/04/16 00:01:19 INFO    : [ERROR]
> >
> >
> /grid/0/jenkins/workspace/workspace/CDH-CANARY-parallel-centos7/SOURCES/ozone/hadoop-hdds/common/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hdds/scm/protocolPB/StorageContainerLocationProtocolClientSideTranslatorPB.java:[116,47]
> > incompatible types: com.google.protobuf.ServiceException cannot be
> > converted to org.apache.hadoop.thirdparty.protobuf.ServiceException
> > 17:01:19 2020/04/16 00:01:19 INFO    : [INFO] 2 errors
> >
> >
> > There's another error where Ozone uses the Hadoop RPC framework which
> uses
> > the hadoop.thirdparty protobuf.
> >
> > [ERROR] Failed to execute goal
> > org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:3.1:testCompile
> > (default-testCompile) on project hadoop-hdds-container-service:
> Compilation
> > failure
> > [ERROR]
> >
> >
> /Users/weichiu/sandbox/ozone/hadoop-hdds/container-service/src/test/java/org/apache/hadoop/ozone/container/common/SCMTestUtils.java:[103,41]
> > incompatible types: com.google.protobuf.BlockingService cannot be
> converted
> > to org.apache.hadoop.thirdparty.protobuf.BlockingService
> >
> > BlockingService scmDatanodeService =
> >     StorageContainerDatanodeProtocolService.
> >         newReflectiveBlockingService(
> >             new StorageContainerDatanodeProtocolServerSideTranslatorPB(
> >                 server, Mockito.mock(ProtocolMessageMetrics.class)));
> >
> >
> >
> > Ratis probably breaks as well since it depends on the Hadoop RPC
> framework
> > too.
> >
> > On Tue, Apr 28, 2020 at 10:58 PM Vinayakumar B <vinayakum...@apache.org>
> > wrote:
> >
> > > hi Wei-Chiu,
> > >
> > > Can you elaborate on what failures you are facing related to relocated
> > > protobuf classes.. ?
> > >
> > > IFAIK, if the issue with location of protobuf classes, still old jar
> > > protobuf-2.5.0.jar will be available in classpath. So downstream
> > depending
> > > on 2.5.0 version of protobuf still be able to access them.
> > >
> > > -vinay
> > >
> > > On Wed, 29 Apr 2020, 11:17 am Wei-Chiu Chuang, <weic...@cloudera.com>
> > > wrote:
> > >
> > >> I'm sorry for coming to this late. I missed this message. It should
> have
> > >> been a DISCUSS thread rather than NOTICE.
> > >>
> > >> Looks like this is inevitable. But we should make the downstream
> > >> developers aware & make the update easier. As long as it is stated
> > clearly
> > >> how to update the code to support Hadoop 3.3, I am okay with that.
> > >>
> > >> Here's what I suggest:
> > >> (1) label the jira incompatible (just updated the jira) and updated
> the
> > >> release note to tell app developer how to update.
> > >> (2) declare ProtobufHelper a public API HADOOP-17019
> > >> <https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HADOOP-17019>
> > >>
> > >> Tez doesn't use the removed Token API, but there's code that breaks
> with
> > >> the relocated protobuf class. The ProtobufHelper API will make this
> > >> transition much easier.
> > >>
> > >> Other downstreamers that break with the relocated protobuf include:
> > Ozone
> > >> and HBase. but neither of them use the removed Token API.
> > >>
> > >>
> > >> On Wed, Jan 8, 2020 at 4:40 AM Vinayakumar B <vinayakum...@apache.org
> >
> > >> wrote:
> > >>
> > >>> Hi All,
> > >>>
> > >>>    This mail is to notify about the Removal of following public APIs
> > from
> > >>> Hadoop Common.
> > >>>
> > >>>      ClassName: org.apache.hadoop.security.token.Token
> > >>>      APIs:
> > >>>          public Token(TokenProto tokenPB);
> > >>>          public TokenProto toTokenProto();
> > >>>
> > >>>    Reason: These APIs are having Generated protobuf classes in the
> > >>> signature. Right now due to protobuf upgrade in trunk (soon to be
> 3.3.0
> > >>> release) these APIs are breaking the downstream builds, even though
> > >>> downstreams dont use these APIs (just Loading Token class).
> Downstreams
> > >>> are
> > >>> still referencing having older version (2.5.0) of protobuf, hence
> build
> > >>> is
> > >>> being broken.
> > >>>
> > >>>     These APIs were added for the internal purpose(HADOOP-12563), to
> > >>> support serializing tokens using protobuf in UGI Credentials.
> > >>> Same purpose can be achieved using the Helper classes without
> > introducing
> > >>> protobuf classes in API signatures.
> > >>>
> > >>> Token.java is marked as Evolving, so I believe APIs can be changed
> > >>> whenever
> > >>> absolute necessary.
> > >>>
> > >>>     Jira https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HADOOP-16621 has been
> > >>> reported to solve downstream build failure.
> > >>>
> > >>> So since this API was added for internal purpose easy approach to
> solve
> > >>> this is to remove APIs and use helper classes. Otherwise, as
> mentioned
> > in
> > >>> HADOOP-16621, workaround will add unnecessary codes to be maintained.
> > >>>
> > >>> If anyone using these APIs outside hadoop project accidentally,
> please
> > >>> reply to this mail immediately.
> > >>>
> > >>> If no objection by next week, will go ahead with removal of above
> said
> > >>> APIs
> > >>> in HADOOP-16621.
> > >>>
> > >>> -Vinay
> > >>>
> > >>
> >

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