There are 3 new CVEs for log4j1 reported recently[1][2][3]. So I think it
is time to speed up the migration to log4j2 work[4] now.

You can see the discussion on the jira issue[4], our goal is to fully
migrate to log4j2 and the current most blocking issue is lack of the
"log4j.rootLogger=INFO,Console" grammer support for log4j2. I've already
started a discussion thread on the log4j dev mailing list[5] and the result
is optimistic and I've filed an issue for log4j2[6], but I do not think it
could be addressed and released soon. If we want to fully migrate to
log4j2, then either we introduce new environment variables or split the old
HADOOP_ROOT_LOGGER variable in the startup scripts. And considering the
complexity of our current startup scripts, the work is not easy and it will
also break lots of other hadoop deployment systems if they do not use our
startup scripts...

So after reconsidering the current situation, I prefer we use the log4j1.2
bridge to remove the log4j1 dependency first, and once LOG4J2-3341 is
addressed and released, we start to fully migrate to log4j2. Of course we
have other problems for log4j1.2 bridge too, as we have TaskLogAppender,
ContainerLogAppender and ContainerRollingLogAppender which inherit
FileAppender and RollingFileAppender in log4j1, which are not part of the
log4j1.2 bridge. But anyway, at least we could just copy the source code to
hadoop as we have WriteAppender in log4j1.2 bridge, and these two classes
do not have related CVEs.

Thoughts? For me I would like us to make a new 3.4.x release line to remove
the log4j1 dependencies ASAP.



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