side issue, as i think about what bulk delete call would also keep hbase

should we think about new API calls only raising RuntimeExceptions?

The more work I do on futures the more the way we always raise IOEs
complicates life. java has outgrown checked exceptions

On Fri, 24 Mar 2023 at 09:44, Steve Loughran <> wrote:

> On Thu, 23 Mar 2023 at 10:07, Ayush Saxena <> wrote:
>> Second idea mentioned in the original mail is also similar to mentioned in
>> the comment in the above ticket and is still quite acceptable, name can be
>> negotiated though, Add an interface to pull the relevant methods up in
>> that
>> without touching FileSystem class, we can have DFS implement that and
>> Ozone
>> FS implement them as well. We should be sorted: No Hacking, No Bothering
>> FileSystem and still things can work
> This is the way we should be thinking about it. an interface which
> filesystems MAY implement, but many do not.
> this has happened with some of the recent apis.
> presence of the API doesn't guarantee the api is active, only that it may
> be possible to call...callers should use PathCapabilities api to see if it
> is live

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