Started from the bottom, a lot of irrelevant information,
java,jersey,eclipse, finally I gave up, bit of emotional stuff also,
so didn’t read the whole mail itself.

hurts a bit is the fact that despite the whole discussion that took place
on the parent Jira, and the clear agreements/directions we have agreed
upon, we are still engaging in the discussion to determine the value this
work brings in.

Final derrivatives: a lot of discussion happened on the ticket itself,
patch is ready since 4 months(slow reveiewer to blame?), but few weeks
because of me, just for folks, because the ‘extensive‘ review didn’t
involves running the failed or checking even the jenkins result & it
broke obviously and then directly coming & merging based on a non
binding vote. No worries, Who cares!!!

So, I am late into the party & on the wrong venue and not an 'expert'
so not in the guest list either, *Typical ‘Not Open To
Discussion/Feedback’ scenario*, moving forward here in such a scenario
is getting into arguments & finally a fight, which I am pretty sure
atleast neither I nor Wei-Chiu is interested in. One day increased
also today, Next time make sure Wei-Chiu it is 15mins otherwise we
loose scope to say anything & people get hurt also :-)

So, my opinion/vote doesn’t hold here atleast, so didn't bother to
read also, go ahead folks. Next time I will be on time and the right
place. Please refrain from putting mails like these on dev lists after
months, can directly merge!!!

PS. IA & IS is something we hardly update now and hardly mark anything
on the higher side and we use mostly to get away with ‘unavoidable’
circumstances, not to dodge everything, functional compat is very
important irrespective of anything and just a behaviour change is not
"just" a behaviour change & is sometimes the reason for folks not
upgrading!!! Talk to folks and projects still on 2.x

PPS. There are too many experts... The ‘Hadoop’ Experts who already
said  the final yes already. Curious: who all clasify as one, do we
have a list of them? Just kidding I know that!!!, just for fact who so
ever tells people he is the Hadoop expert, ok, but he is not Hadoop &
Hadoop is not only him.

Passed fedback already & I am done, It is good enough for the
'experts' to decode. Will abstain from commenting or following mail
thread further. Last 2 cents, should not encourage these 90/95%
things, leaves technical debts for others to clean up, if the guy
doesn't comes back for the remaining, in general which is the usual



> On 28-Jul-2023, at 2:25 AM, Viraj Jasani <> wrote:
> Thank you Wei-Chiu for the thread and extensive help with reviews! Thank
> you Ayush for responding to the thread!
> Let me try to address some points.
> Please pardon my ignorance if I am not supposed to respond to any of the
> questions.
>> Regarding this entire activity including the parent tickets: Do we have
> any dev list agreement for this?
> HADOOP-16206 <> was
> created back in Mar, 2019 and there has been tons of discussion on the Jira
> since then. Duo is an expert and he has also worked with our esteemed Log4j
> community to introduce changes that promise great benefits for both hbase
> and hadoop projects (for instance, [1]). He has laid out the plan to tackle
> the whole migration, one small piece at a time and there has been enough
> agreement on the Jira from Hadoop experts, some of Log4j community members
> also chimed in and provided their feedbacks, and it has been agreed upon to
> proceed with Duo's proposed plan and integrate the changes into the trunk.
> This will enable us to stabilize the work gradually over time.
> The Jira has received many interactions over the past few years.
>> What incompatibilities have been introduced till now for this and what
> are planned.
> Let me list down what has been done so far, that might be easier to discuss:
> - HADOOP-18206 <> removed
> commons-logging references, the project is no longer under any active
> development cycle (last release on 2014
>, and without this
> cleanup, it becomes very difficult to chase log4j changes. No direct
> incompatibility involved.
> - HADOOP-18653 <>
> follow-up
> to ensure we use slf4j log4j adaptor to ensure slf4j is in the classpath
> before we update loglevel (dynamically change log level using servlet). No
> incompatibility introduced.
> - HADOOP-18648 <> kms
> log4j properties should not be loaded dynamically as this is no longer
> supported by log4j2, instead use HADOOP_OPTS to provide log4j properties
> location. No incompatibility introduced.
> - HADOOP-18654 <>
> TaskLogAppender
> is not being used, remove it. It was marked IA.Private and IS.Unstable. No
> incompatibility introduced.
> - HADOOP-18669 <>
> remove Log4Json
> Layout as it is more suitable to be part of Log4j project rather than
> Hadoop, it's not being used anywhere. Each appender that we maintain, we
> pay for its maintenance cost. No incompatibility introduced.
> - HADOOP-18649 <> CLA
> and CLRA appenders to be replaced with log4j RFA appender. Both CLA and
> CLRA have been our custom appenders and they both provide the same
> capabilities as RFA hence their maintenance in our project would come with
> cost for any future upgrades of log4j. This has also been agreed upon on
> the parent Jira way before the work started.
> - HADOOP-18631 <> Migrate
> dynamic async appenders to log4j properties. This is *an incompatible
> change* because we replace "hadoop site configs" with "log4j
> properties". We are not losing out on our capability to generate async logs
> for namenode audit, but the way to configure it is now different. The
> release notes have been updated to reflect the same. For log4j upgrade, we
> don't have a choice here, log4j2 only supports async loggers as the
> configuration, not as programmatically loaded appenders. log4j properties
> to configure are provided on
> As for the current task that introduced hadoop-logging module HADOOP-18207
> <>, we don't have any
> incompatibility yet because our direct usage of log4j APIs and custom
> appenders have not been marked IA.Public.
> The major incompatibility is going to be introduced when we add log4j2 in
> our classpath and remove log4j1 from our dependencies. This work has not
> yet begun and it's going to take a while.
>> What does this activity bring up for the downstream folks adapting this?
> Upgrading Hadoop is indeed important for a lot of projects
> Downstream projects should expect to no longer get log4j1 as a transitive
> dependency from hadoop, instead they would get log4j2 as transitive
> dependency (only after the whole upgrade is done, log4j2 upgrade has not
> even started as I mentioned above :)).
> This brings an interesting question: why do we need this upgrade? For us,
> almost all of hadoop ecosystem projects that we use have migrated to
> log4j2, and when we keep common thirdparty dependencies to be used by all
> hadoop downstreamers, we can still not use log4j2 because hadoop is still
> not using log4j2.
>> What tests have been executed verifying all these changes including this
> and the ones already in, apart from the Jenkins results, and what's the
> plan.
> I have prepared new containers with individual changes and deployed k8s
> cluster with hdfs (NN, DN, JN, Zkfc), mapreduce (HS), Yarn (RM, NM)
> components and run some known sanity tests and ensured that some of the
> known logs are generated as expected. For namenode audit logs, I have been
> able to ensure that async logger is able to generate async logs using the
> custom appender with new log4j configuration (in the absence of previously
> used site configs).
>> This Comment [
>], this
> says it isn't moving all the instances? So, when do you plan to work on
> this? Should that be a release blocker for us, since part of the activity
> is in? Needless to say: "Best Effort, whatever could move in, moves is,
> isn't an answer"
> For this exact reason, I have initiated an email thread on log4j dev list:
> [2]. We programmatically set monitor interval for dynamic log4j file
> changes in httpfs server. This is no longer supported as that is also meant
> to be kept in config only (properties, xml, json, yaml etc).
>> The above comment thread even says losing some available abilities, even
> some past one said so, what all is getting compromised, and how do you plan
> to get it back? Most of the lost abilities are related to HDFS, I don't
> think we are in a state to lose stuff there, if we aren't having enough to
> make people adapt. Our ultimate goal isn't to have something in, but to
> make people use it.
> Apart from migrating namenode async log capability from having to rely on
> "site configs" to "log4j properties", we don't seem to have any lost
> abilities. This is also not a lost ability, it's the way of configuring it
> that is different.
>> Most of the time when this entire activity breaks & like usual we are on
> a follow-up or on an addendum PR, there is generally some sarcastic or a
> response like: 'We can't do it without breaking things', and I am not
> taking any of these for now.
> My sincere apologies if you think I have not addressed your comments. Could
> you please provide a specific reference and I will be happy to provide
> detailed answers. Many of the questions we are dealing with at this point
> in time have already been discussed on the parent Jira in the past.
> I would also like to share some of my opinions: I understand that none of
> this is simpler to deal with, none of this is an interesting work either,
> as opposed to working on a big feature or providing some bug fixes
> (specifically when it takes hours and days to figure out where we have the
> bug, despite how small the fix might be), however we still cannot give up
> on the work that helps maintain our project, can we?
> Just to provide an example, we don't have Java 11 compile support because
> of (let's say) the lack of migration from Jersey 1.x to 2.x (HADOOP-15984
> <>). At this point, it
> seems extremely difficult to migrate to Jersey 2 because of multiple
> factors (e.g. guice support + hk2 dependency injection don't work well in
> Jersey 2), I have initiated a mailing thread on eclipse community and also
> created an issue on jersey tracker to get some insights:
> There has been no update and it is well known that guice support does not
> work with jersey 2, we are not aware of which direction we are going to go
> with, and how can we possibly upgrade jersey, but we still cannot give up
> on it, right? We do need to find some way, don't we?
> Similarly, the whole log4j2 upgrade is also a big deal, but we are not
> going to lose any hadoop functionality, we have an alternative way of
> achieving the same output (as mentioned about async logger).
> The point I am trying to make is: all this work is really not that
> interesting, but we still need to work on it, we still need to
> maintain hadoop project for the rest of the world (no matter how complex it
> is to maintain it) as a community, correct? Hadoop is the only project that
> doesn't have log4j2 support among all the other big data projects that we
> are using as of today, we can stay in this state for a while but how long
> are we willing to compromise an inevitable boring maintenance effort?
> Moreover, once we migrate to log4j2, we could get a real boost from some of
> their async logger efforts, where we don't even need async appender.
> I would be extremely happy if anyone else is willing to put efforts and get
> this work rolling forward. I am committed to ensuring that my work on the
> project does not give rise to "multiple community conflicts." Therefore, if
> we can confidently determine that using log4j1 for the foreseeable future
> is acceptable, there would be no need for additional dev and review cycles.
> I am more than willing to refrain from creating any further patches in such
> a scenario. Similar discussion is required for jersey as well, while it
> might be tempting to hope that integrating jersey 2 will magically resolve
> all our issues and make our Jackson and other dependency upgrades reliable,
> it is essential to be realistic about the potential challenges ahead.
> Despite the appeal of adopting jersey 2, we must be prepared to face a
> substantial num of incompatibilities that would arise with jersey 2
> migration.
> I am really grateful to all reviewers that have reviewed the tasks so far,
> I am not expecting reviewers to be able to provide their reviews as quickly
> as possible, this particular sub-task has been dev and test ready for the
> last 4 months, and it is absolutely okay to wait longer, but what really
> hurts a bit is the fact that despite the whole discussion that took place
> on the parent Jira, and the clear agreements/directions we have agreed
> upon, we are still engaging in the discussion to determine the value this
> work brings in.
> I sincerely apologize if any aspects were not adequately clarified during
> our discussions of each sub-task. I am more than willing to revisit any
> line of code and engage in a detailed conversation to share insights into
> the factors that influenced the changes made.
> 1.
> 2.
>> On Thu, Jul 27, 2023 at 3:11 AM Ayush Saxena <> wrote:
>> Hi Wei-Chiu,
>> I am glad this activity finally made it to the dev mailing list. Just
>> sharing the context being the guy who actually reverted this last time
>> it was in: It had a test failure on the PR itself and it went in, that
>> had nothing to do with the nature of the PR, generic for all PR and
>> all projects.
>> Some thoughts & Questions?
>> * Regarding this entire activity including the parent tickets: Do we
>> have any dev list agreement for this?
>> * What incompatibilities have been introduced till now for this and
>> what are planned.
>> * What does this activity bring up for the downstream folks adapting
>> this? Upgrading Hadoop is indeed important for a lot of projects and
>> for "us as well" and it is already a big pain (my past experience)
>> * What tests have been executed verifying all these changes including
>> this and the ones already in, apart from the Jenkins results, and
>> what's the plan.
>> * Considering you are heavily involved, any insights around perf stuff?
>> * This Comment [
>> this says it isn't moving all the instances? So, when do you plan to
>> work on this? Should that be a release blocker for us, since part of
>> the activity is in? Needless to say: "Best Effort, whatever could move
>> in, moves is, isn't an answer"
>> * The above comment thread even says losing some available abilities,
>> even some past one said so, what all is getting compromised, and how
>> do you plan to get it back? Most of the lost abilities are related to
>> HDFS, I don't think we are in a state to lose stuff there, if we
>> aren't having enough to make people adapt. Our ultimate goal isn't to
>> have something in, but to make people use it.
>> * What advantages do we get with all of these activities over existing
>> branch-3 stuff? Considering what are the trade-offs, Was discussing
>> with some folks offline & that seems to be a good question to have an
>> answer beforehand.
>> PS. Most of the time when this entire activity breaks & like usual we
>> are on a follow-up or on an addendum PR, there is generally some
>> sarcastic or a response like: 'We can't do it without breaking
>> things', and I am not taking any of these for now.
>> Most importantly since we are discussing it now and if there are
>> incompatibilities introduced already, is there a possible way out and
>> get rid of them, if not, if there ain't an agreement, how tough is
>> going back, because if it introduces incompatibilities for HDFS, you
>> won't get an agreement most probably, not sure about others but I will
>> veto that...
>> TLDR, Please hold unless all the concerns are addressed and we have an
>> agreement for this as well as anything done in past or planned for
>> future, Shouldn't compromise the adaptability of the product at any
>> cost
>> -Ayush
>>> On Thu, 27 Jul 2023 at 03:47, Wei-Chiu Chuang <> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I am preparing to resolve HADOOP-18207
>>> <> (
>>> This change affects all modules. With this change, it will eliminate
>> almost
>>> all the direct log4j usage.
>>> As always, landing such a big piece is tricky. I am sorry for the mishaps
>>> last time and am doing more due diligence to make it a smoother
>> transition.
>>> I am triggering one last precommit check. Once the change is merged,
>> Viraj
>>> and I will pay attention to any potential problems.
>>> Weichiu
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