
Jing Zhao updated HDFS-8580:
       Resolution: Fixed
    Fix Version/s: HDFS-7285
     Hadoop Flags: Reviewed
           Status: Resolved  (was: Patch Available)

The 04 patch looks good to me. +1. 

I've committed this to the feature branch. Thanks for the contribution, 

> Erasure coding: Persist cellSize in BlockInfoStriped and StripedBlocksFeature
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: HDFS-8580
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HDFS-8580
>             Project: Hadoop HDFS
>          Issue Type: Sub-task
>            Reporter: Walter Su
>            Assignee: Walter Su
>             Fix For: HDFS-7285
>         Attachments: HDFS-8580-HDFS-7285.01.patch, 
> HDFS-8580-HDFS-7285.02.patch, HDFS-8580-HDFS-7285.03.patch, 
> HDFS-8580-HDFS-7285.04.patch, HDFS-8580.00.patch
> Zhe Zhang, Kai Zheng and I had a offline discussion. Here is what we thought: 
>  Add a cellSize field in BlockInfoStriped as a workaround, and deal with 
> memory usage in follow-on.(HDFS-8059)
> discussion in HDFS-8494:
> from Walter Su:
> {quote}
> I think BlockInfoStriped needs to keep cellSize.
> {quote}
> from [~vinayrpet]:
> {quote}
> I too was thinking the same when the FSImageLoader problem has came up. This 
> will increase the memory usage by ~4bytes for each block though.
> {quote}
> from [~jingzhao]
> {quote}
> -Also, we should consider adding a chunk size field to StripedBlockProto and 
> removing the cell size field from HdfsFileStatus. In this way we can access 
> the chunk size information in the storage layer.-
> {quote}
> ==
> update:
> from [~jingzhao]
> {quote}
> For fsimage part, since HDFS-8585 just removes StripedBlockProto, I guess 
> what we can do here is to either 1) add the cellSize information into 
> StripedBlocksFeature in fsimage.proto, or 2) bring StripedBlockProto back and 
> put block info and cell size there.
> {quote}

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