
Steve Loughran commented on HDFS-7878:

filesystem.md LGTM, +1 for that bit, 
Same for the API

AbstractContractOpenTest: L241, L260. if you use LambdaTestUtils.intercept() it 
automatically creates the exception message including a toString() value of the 
lambda exp. 

I could imagine adding something similar for all the skip-if-unsupported ops, 

static <T> T evalOrSkip(String op, Callable<T> eval) throws Exception {
  try {
    return eval.call()
  } catch (UnsupportedException ex) {
    skip("Unsupported feature: " + op)

Then you could go

PathHandle fd = evalOrSkip("exact", 
  () -> fd.getFileSystem().getPathHandle(stat, HandleOpt.exact()));


w.r.t HDFS changes, I'm not qualified to comment on the implementation. Sorry.

> API - expose an unique file identifier
> --------------------------------------
>                 Key: HDFS-7878
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HDFS-7878
>             Project: Hadoop HDFS
>          Issue Type: Improvement
>            Reporter: Sergey Shelukhin
>            Assignee: Sergey Shelukhin
>              Labels: BB2015-05-TBR
>         Attachments: HDFS-7878.01.patch, HDFS-7878.02.patch, 
> HDFS-7878.03.patch, HDFS-7878.04.patch, HDFS-7878.05.patch, 
> HDFS-7878.06.patch, HDFS-7878.07.patch, HDFS-7878.08.patch, 
> HDFS-7878.09.patch, HDFS-7878.10.patch, HDFS-7878.11.patch, 
> HDFS-7878.12.patch, HDFS-7878.13.patch, HDFS-7878.14.patch, 
> HDFS-7878.15.patch, HDFS-7878.16.patch, HDFS-7878.patch
> See HDFS-487.
> Even though that is resolved as duplicate, the ID is actually not exposed by 
> the JIRA it supposedly duplicates.
> INode ID for the file should be easy to expose; alternatively ID could be 
> derived from block IDs, to account for appends...
> This is useful e.g. for cache key by file, to make sure cache stays correct 
> when file is overwritten.

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