2011/9/7 kang hua <kanghua...@msn.com>:
> Thanks my friend!
> please allow me to ask more question about detail thinks!
> 1 yes, I can use hadoop fs -tail or -cat xxx to see that file content, But
> how can I get that file real size in other process if namenode is not change
> ?  I real want is to read the date in tail  of that file.

You can open the file and then use an API on the DFSInputStream class
to find the length. I don't recall the name of the API, but if you
look in there, you should see it.

> 2 why "when I reboot hdfs, I can see that file's content that I flushed
> again by "hadoop fs -ls xxx" "

On restart, the namenode triggers block synchronization, and the
up-to-date length is determined.

> 3 In append mode.  close file and open it with append mode again and again .
> real dataspace is normally increase, but nodename  show dfs used space
> increase to fast. it is a bug ?

Might be a bug, yes.

> 4 which version of hdfs that append is no bug ?

0.21, which is buggy in other aspects. So, no stable released version
has a working append() call.

In truth I've never seen a _good_ use case for
append-to-an-existing-file. Usually you can do just as well by keeping
the file open and periodically hflushing, or rolling to a new file
when you want to add more records to an existing dataset.


>> From: t...@cloudera.com
>> Date: Wed, 7 Sep 2011 14:17:10 -0700
>> Subject: Re: Question about hdfs close * hflush behavior
>> To: hdfs-user@hadoop.apache.orgSend
>> 2011/9/7 kang hua <kanghua...@msn.com>:
>> >
>> > Hi friends:
>> > I has two question.
>> > first one is:
>> > I use libhdfs's hflush to flush my data to a file, in same process
>> > context I can read it. But I find that file unchanged if I check from
>> > hadoop
>> > shell ---- it's len is zero( check by "hadoop fs -ls xxx" or read it in
>> > program); however when I reboot hdfs, I can read that file's content
>> > that I
>> > flushed again。 why ?
>> If we were to update th e file metadata on hflush, it would be very
>> expensive, since the metadata lives in the NameNode.
>> If you do hadoop fs -cat xxx, you should see the entirety of the flushed
>> data.
>> > can I hflush data to file without close it,at same time read data
>> > flushed
>> > by other process ?
>> yes.
>> > second one is:
>> > does once close hdfs file, the last written block is untouched. even
>> > open
>> > that file with append mode, namenode will alloc a new block to for
>> > append
>> > data?
>> No, it reopens the last block of the existing file for append.
>> > I find if I close file and open it with append mode again and again.
>> > hdfs
>> > report will show "used space much more that the file logic size"
>> Not sure I follow what you mean by this. Can you give more d etail?
>> > btw: I use cloudera ch2
>> The actual "append()" function has some bugs in all of the 0.20
>> releases, including Cloudera's. The hflush/sync() API is fine to use,
>> but I would recommend against using append().
>> -Todd
>> --
>> Todd Lipcon
>> Software Engineer, Cloudera

Todd Lipcon
Software Engineer, Cloudera

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