By snapshots, I mean that you can freeze a copy of a portion of the the
file system for later use as a backup or reference.  By mirror, I mean that
a snapshot can be transported to another location in the same cluster or to
another cluster and the mirrored image will be updated atomically to the
new state.

See for more info.

On Tue, Nov 8, 2011 at 3:42 AM, donal0412 <> wrote:

> Thanks! That's exactly what I want.
> And Ted, what do you mean by "snapshots and mirrors" ?
> On 2011/11/8 16:21, Harsh J wrote:
>> Block sizes are per-file, not permanently set on the HDFS. So create
>> your files with a sufficiently large block size (2G is OK if it fits
>> your usecase well). This way you won't have block splits, as you
>> desire.
>> For example, to upload a file via the shell with a tweaked blocksize, I'd
>> do:
>> hadoop dfs -Ddfs.block.size=2147483648 -copyFromLocal localFile
>> remoteFile
>> Packet sizes are not what you want to tweak here.
>> On Tue, Nov 8, 2011 at 1:02 PM, donal0412<>  wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I want to store lots of files in HDFS, the file size is<= 2G.
>>> I don't want the file to split into blocks,because I need the whole file
>>> while processing it, and I don't want to transfer blocks to one node when
>>> processing it.
>>> A easy way to do this would be set dfs.write.packet.size to 2G, I wonder
>>> if
>>> some one has similar experiences  or known whether this is  practicable.
>>> Will there be performance problems when set the packet size to a big
>>> number?
>>> Thanks!
>>> donal

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