If, for your author who signs himself "Vis," you have a non-standard romanization 
indicating "Vais", you put "Vais."  But it doesn't count if you have a non-standard 
romanization indicating "Vais" for some other author who signs himself "Vis."

In this case I couldn't determine that Mr. Karsenti was established in the old catalog 
from a non-standard romanization for him--in fact, he probably wasn't, because if he 
had been, they'd have said so.  His romanization was probably chosen on the basis of 
all the other authors called "Karsenti/y" in non-standard romanization.  But that was 
long enough ago that our current rules weren't in force.


>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 3/8/2004 9:59:10 AM >>>
I accept and agree with this ruling, but why then Vais (with one Yod) is 
romanized as Vis although we all know that the real name is pronounced as 
Vais or why not to transcribe it as Weiss or Weisz or other romanized form 
of the name as it appears in Reliable Sources (not on CNN)


At 08:31 AM 3/8/2004, you wrote:
This author exists in pre-MARC cataloging under the heading "Karsenti,
Faruz, d. 1846."  There's another author in the NAF who was established
as "Karsenti" from a roman source.  Considering these, I would not have
hesitated to romanize the surname "Karsenti."  I looked further into the
LC pre-MARC catalog and found six other authors established from roman
sources with the surname "Karsenty," and none with "Karsinti."  My usual
reaction, on finding that other catalogers have chosen the less obvious
of two options, is to assume that yes, they know something I don't.
This is called the "lectio difficilior," isn't it?  They wouldn't have
gone out of their way if there wasn't a reason for it.


Joseph (Yossi) Galron-Goldschläger
Head of the Hebraica & Jewish Studies  Library
The Ohio State University Libraries, 324 Main Library,
1858 Neil Ave. Mall, Columbus, OH 43210 USA
E-Mail: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Tel.: (614) 292-3362,  Fax: (614)292-1918
URL:  http://www.lib.ohio-state.edu/jdc/jdc.html 

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