
Prof. Yosef Kaplan, a scholar on Dutch Jewry at Hebrew University confirmed
that two different people are involved. (Incidentally, the other Sephardic
Rabbi who offers his approbation is David Atias): 

Dear Ms. Cohen
Isaac Haim Abendana de Brito is not identical with Isaac Abendana. He was
Haham of the Portuguese Community in Amsterdam since 1728 until his death in
1760. He was the most outstanding student of the former Haham, the famous
Selomoh Aylon. He was appointed as Haham together with his senior fellow
David Israel Atias who died in 1753. If this is important for you you can
find more information about him in J. S. da Silva Rosa, Geschiedenis der
Portugeesche Joden te Amsterdam 1593-1925, Amsterdam 1925, pp. 118, 125,
If you still need more information please let me know
----- Original Message -----
From: "Cohen Leah" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, December 01, 2004 4:40 PM
Subject: Isaac Abendana

Boker Tov,

I have been cataloguing Joseph ha-Kohen's Sefer Divre ha-yamim le-malkhe
Tsarfat u-malkhe Bet Otoman ha-Togar, Amsterdam : Be-vet uve-defus Shelomoh
ben Yosef Kats Prups, 493 [1732 or 1733].I am puzzled by the identity of the
one of the Sefardic Rabbis who gave his approbation: "Yithak Hayim ibn Dana
de Brito"

It would appear that he is Abendana, Isaac, 1650-1720, for whom there is a
LC authority record(n 84205336). However, this book was printed for a first
time after many years in 1732 or 1733, twelve or thirteen years after the
cited death date of Abendana. Similarly, in RLIN, a record was found for the
following item, that would also indicate that Abendana was alive after 1720:
SermaO exhortario [microform] /pregado no. K.K. de T.T. em Amsterdam por o
doctissiimo senhor Haham Morenu A-Rab R. Ishac Haim Abendana de Britto,
Ab-Bet-Din, y Ros-Yessiba do Kahal Kados de Talmud Tora ; em Sabat Echà, 4
Ab. Anno 5513 [1753]

According to The Jewish, Isaac Hayyim de Brito Abendana was
the "Hakam of the Portuguese community in Amsterdam, where he died at the
great age of one hundred year, April 5, 1760"

Does anyone have any have any more information on this figure? Are there two
people involved rather than one? How would you resolve these

Any thoughts on this matter would be appreciated!

Leah Cohen
Library and Archives Canada

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