Dear Karen,

I was happy to receive your message and instructions about using the LRE control character in RLIN21. It seems pretty clear how it works: In order to get multiple-digit number strings that include punctuation to display correctly: (1) insert Unicode control character LRE immediately before multiple-digit string; and, if followed by additional right-to-left characters: (2) insert Unicode control character PDF immediately after end of left-to-right string.

After taking a look at your example, I found myself with two questions:

(1.) Does a Hebrew IME 'period' after a string of numbers count as a resumed left-to-right character, and therefore, when coming at the end of a Hebrew-script 260 field, need to be preceded by the PDF character?

(2.) By following the "bidirectionality guidelines," we are supposed to be able to "ensure correct display of strings ..."; but in your screen-shot example, the Hebrew 260 field seems to have the period in the worng place (i.e., not after the Hebrew date "742"), and there appears to be a space missing between the "742" and the bracketed data to its right. Is this anything we need to worry about?

Thanks for your help!


At 07:09 PM 2/23/2005, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

All RLIN21 Arabic- and Hebrew-script catalogers:

Starting March 1, 2005 when cataloging Arabic- or Hebrew-script
records in the migrated RLG Union Catalog, please follow these
"bidirectionality guidelines" when entering left-to-right multiple-digit
strings in an otherwise right-to-left field.

To ensure the correct display of strings of multiple-digit numbers
that include brackets, hyphens, internal spaces or other punctuation
in an otherwise right-to-left field (for example, 260 $c):

-- Right-click on your mouse and insert the Unicode formatting
control character "Start of left-to-right embedding" (LRE) immediately
*before* the beginning of the multiple-digit number string.  See
illustrations attached below.

You can view the Unicode formatting codes with another right-click
of your mouse and selecting "Show Unicode control characters".

-- If the left-to-right multiple-digit number string is followed by right-to-left
characters (Arabic or Hebrew), insert the Unicode formatting control
character "Pop directional formatting" (PDF) immediately after
the end of the left-to-right string.

Note that left-to-right *text* strings within a right-to-left field do not
need Unicode formatting control characters to display correctly
unless the left-to-right text begins with numbers.

If you have any questions about applying these guidelines, please
send e-mail directly to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Karen Smith-Yoshimura

Daniel Lovins
Hebraica Team Leader
Catalog Department
Sterling Memorial Library
Yale University
PO Box 208240
New Haven, CT 06520
tel: 203/432-1707
fax: 203/432-7231

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