Dear group,

Here's an updated agenda for the Cataloging Committee meeting on Sunday. As you will notice, there is far too much to cover in a single hour-long meeting, so I'll try to prioritize carefully and move through (and in some cases skip over) topics as quickly as possible. I've already faded-out some items that I think are not so urgent. I'd like to encourage you to read the draft letter on SARs (linked to agenda) so we can take a vote on it, as well as the memo from Barbara Tillett (sent out earlier this week, but also linked to agenda), and other background documents. 

Looking forward to seeing you in Cambridge


Daniel Lovins
Hebraica Team Leader
Catalog Department
Sterling Memorial Library
Yale University
PO Box 208240
New Haven, CT 06520
tel: 203/432-1707
fax: 203/432-7231

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