Hi all, it's time to pull together the agenda for our 2009 committee meeting so I'm putting out a call for discussion items. Our meeting times are scheduled for Sun. 3pm-5:30pm and, if needed, Mon. at 9:30pm-11pm. Please let me know what topics you'd like to cover. Also, I don't think we'll need a computer with internet access for the purpose of our meeting(s), but let me know if the subject you'd like to discuss does require such equipment. As a friendly reminder, the OCLC users' meeting is Wed. at 8:15am. Shoshanah sent an email earlier this week asking if we had any particular issues we'd like David to discuss. Please contact her (or me) so we can convey your ideas to David.

Thanks and looking forward to seeing you again soon,

Chair, RAS Cataloging Committee

Jasmin Nof
Judaica and Hebraica Cataloger
2200 McKeldin Library
University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742

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