   The selected subject headings appearing here reflect only what I
thought would be relevant for my work as a cataloger.
   Entries listed after "And also" are curious or mildly funny titles
which might make you smile.
   Starting with twls0839, my comments will be sent on a separate
email; they should not be construed as official statements by the
Library of Congress or by any other member of the Hebraica cataloging
- r.


Library of Congress Subject Headings Tentative Weekly List 11 (2010)
The proposed headings and changes on this list are NOT YET APPROVED and
not yet available for use in current cataloging.

Date of editorial meeting: March 17, 2010

Library of Congress staff:
Send comments on this list to Libby Dechman, Policy and Standards
Division - Telephone: 7-4768 Email: e...@loc.gov 
SACO contributors:
Send questions or comments to your SACO liaison in the Cooperative
Programs Section.

Changes to existing headings are indicated by an asterisk. (A)
indicates proposals that were approved before the editorial meeting. (C)
indicates proposals submitted by cooperating libraries.

                150  Americans, [Chinese, French, etc.] abroad 
                260    USE    headings of the type Americans[name of
foreign country]; Chinese[name of 
        foreign country]; French[name of foreign country]

                150  Expatriate Americans, [Chinese, French, etc.] 
                260    USE    headings of the type Americans[name of
foreign country]; Chinese[name of 
        foreign country]; French[name of foreign country]

        (C)    150  Asperger's syndrome in literature   [Not Subd Geog] 

                150  Asses in literature   [Not Subd Geog]  

        (C)    150  Aversion in literature   [Not Subd Geog]  

                150  Belgian literature   [May Subd Geog]   [sp
              * 680       Comprises literature in Flemish, French, and
Walloon.   CANCEL
              * 680       Here are entered collections of literature
from Belgium in multiple languages.

        (A)    150  Ethnocentrism—Religious aspects   [sp2010002563]

        (A)    150  Ethnocentrism—Religious aspects—Baptists,
[Catholic Church, etc.]   [sp2010002564]

     150  Faith and reason   [sp 85046933]
              * 680       Here are entered works on the relationship
between the knowledge attained through 
        faith and that attained through reason.   CANCEL
              * 680       Here are entered works on the role of reason
in religious faith and on the conflict 
        between faith and reason.
              * 450    UF Faith and logic
              * 450    UF Reason—Religious aspects
              * 450    UF Reason and religion
              * 450    UF Religion and reason

                150  Faith and reason—Islam   [sp 85046934]
              * 450    UF Islam and reason   [EARLIER FORM OF HEADING]
              * 550    BT Islam—Doctrines   CANCEL

              * 150  Islam and reason   CANCEL   [sp 85068423]
              * 682       This authority record has been deleted because
the heading is covered by the subject 
        heading Faith and reasonIslam (sh 85046934).

              * 150  Islam and reason—Koranic teaching   CANCEL   [sp
              * 682       This authority record has been deleted because
the heading is covered by the subject 
        heading Faith and reasonIslamKoranic teaching a heading for
which a subject authority 
        record is not made because it uses a freefloating subdivision.

        (C)    181  Foreign countries   [sp 99001185]
              * 680       Use as a geographic subdivision under ethnic
groups, individual languages, individual 
        literatures, military services, and types of publications
qualified by language or nationality. 
              * 680       Use as a geographic subdivision under ethnic
groups, individual languages, individual 
        literatures, military services, nationalities, and types of
publications qualified by language 
        or nationality.

(C)    150  Intellectual freedom in literature   [Not Subd Geog]  

        (A)    150  Misotheism   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2010002517]
                450    UF Hatred of God
                450    UF Hatred of gods
                550    BT God

        (C)    150  Patriotism—Religious aspects   [sp2010002608]

        (C)    150  Patriotism—Religious aspects—Buddhism,
[Christianity, etc.]   [sp2010002609]

        (C)    150  Reparation (Psychoanalysis) in literature   [Not
Subd Geog]   [sp2010002613]

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