

In anticipation of the call for travel requests for FY11, I would like to 
submit these following requests for travel during FY2011.

Thanks in advance for your response.

All the best,

- r.

1) Mid-November 2010 France (tentative November 1-11, 2010)
Brief Title: Independent Professional Meetings and Research (Paris, France)
BOC: 2101 (Regular Travel)
Amount: $0
To attend meetings with leading library professionals within the field of 
Hebraica cataloging. Dr. Kohn plans to meet with colleagues at the Bibliotheque 
Nationale de France to discuss developments in bibliographic access and 
acquisitions, particularly issues related to the cataloging and classification 
of Hebraic and Judaic materials, and to promote cooperative endeavors, 
including the NACO Hebraica Funnel and the SACO Judaica Funnel projects, which 
contribute to the development of the LCNAF, LCSH, VIAF, and LCC.  In imparting 
such information, Dr. Kohn will enable his counterparts in France to be better 
acquainted with LC policy and practice, encouraging the development of more 
consistent cataloging practices, thereby increasing the pool and enhancing the 
quality of records available for use by LC. In providing such consultative and 
liaison services, he will foster relationships with counterparts from other 
institutions and facilitate ongoing collaboration on matters of mutual concern. 
These activities also provide an opportunity for professional development.
4 hours of excused absence only. Specific dates of meetings to be determined; 
remaining days/hours will be annual leave/credit hours.
Registration: None
Primary Function: Researcher
Dates: November 1-11, 2010
Funding Support: Excused absence
Traveler:  Roger Kohn
City: Paris
Country: France

2) End of February 2011, Jerusalem, Israel (tentative Feb. 16 - March 1, 2011)
Brief Title: Independent Professional Meetings and Research (Israel)
BOC: 2101 (Regular Travel)
Amount: $0
To attend meetings with leading library professionals, to conduct research 
leading toward publication in peer-reviewed publications within the field of 
Hebraica cataloging, and to engage authors to write for a professional journal. 
 Dr. Kohn plans to meet with colleagues at the National Library of Israel to 
discuss developments in bibliographic access and acquisitions, particularly 
issues related to the cataloging and classification of Hebraic and Judaic 
materials, and to promote cooperative endeavors, including the NACO Hebraica 
Funnel and the SACO Judaica Funnel projects, which contribute to the 
development of the LCNAF, LCSH, and LCC.  In imparting such information, Dr. 
Kohn will enable his counterparts in Israel to be better acquainted with LC 
policy and practice, encouraging the development of more consistent cataloging 
practices, thereby increasing the pool and enhancing the quality of records 
available for use by LC.  In providing such consultative and liaison services, 
he will foster relationships with counterparts from other institutions and 
facilitate ongoing collaboration on matters of mutual concern.  As a member of 
the Advisory Board for Judaica Librarianship, the only peer-reviewed scholarly 
publication in English on Hebrew bibliography, Dr. Kohn will solicit colleagues 
in Israel for articles to be submitted to this publication on developments and 
achievements in Judaica cataloging and bibliography. These activities also 
provide an opportunity for professional development.
6 hours of excused absence only. Specific dates of meetings to be determined; 
remaining days/hours will be annual leave/credit hours.
 Registration: $0
 Primary Function: Researcher
 Dates:  In February 2011, to be define more precisely later
 Funding Support: Excused absence only
 Traveler: Roger Kohn
 City: Jerusalem
Country: Israel
3) Brief Title: Eleventh Annual Manfred R. Lehmann Memorial Master Workshop 
(May 2011)
BOC: 2101 (Regular Travel)
Amount: $0
Purpose:  To attend the Eleventh Annual Manfred R. Lehmann Memorial Master 
Workshop in the History of the Jewish Book, sponsored by the Center for 
Advanced Judaic Studies at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA. 
The Israel & Judaica Section is responsible for cataloging rare Hebrew books, 
as well as facsimiles of and books about Hebrew manuscripts. Dr. Kohn serves as 
the Section's expert on matters of Hebrew paleography. Attendance at the 
Lehmann Workshop will further expand Dr. Kohn's knowledge in the field of 
Hebrew paleography, enhancing the ability of the Section to provide 
bibliographic access to such materials, whether newly acquired or from the 
backlog of the African and Middle Eastern Division's Hebraic Section.
8 hours of excused absence only (Monday)
Registration: $0
Primary Function: Attendee
Dates are approximate; exact dates are to be announced in December 2010
Funding Support: Excused absence
Name of Event: Eleventh Annual Manfred R. Lehmann Memorial Master Workshop
Traveler: Roger Kohn
City: Philadelphia State: PA


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