   The selected subject headings appearing here reflect only what I thought 
would be relevant for my work as a cataloger.
- r.

The full list is available at:   


Library of Congress Subject Headings Tentative Weekly List 02 (2011)

The proposed headings and changes on this list are NOT YET APPROVED and not yet 
available for use in current cataloging.
Date of editorial meeting: January 12, 2011
Library of Congress staff:
Send comments on this list to Paul Weiss, Policy and Standards Division - 
Telephone: 7-5803 Email: p...@loc.gov
SACO contributors:
Send questions or comments to your SACO liaison in the Cooperative Programs 
Changes to existing headings are indicated by an asterisk. (A) indicates 
proposals that were approved before the editorial meeting. (C) indicates 
proposals submitted by cooperating libraries.
        (C)    150  Antisemitism in textbooks   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2010015227]
                550    BT Textbook bias

        (A)    150  Armed Forces in literature   [Not Subd Geog]   

        (A)    150  Navies in literature   [Not Subd Geog]   [sp2010015070]

(C)    150  International criminal law   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2010015367]
                680       Here are entered works on the sub‑discipline of 
international law whose subject is the
        body of laws, norms, and rules addressing the penal aspects of 
international law and the
        international law aspects of national criminal law. Works on the 
territorial limitation of
        criminal law and on the conflict of jurisdictions in the administration 
of criminal law are
        entered under Criminal jurisdiction (International law).
                450    UF Criminal law, International
                450    UF ICL (International criminal law)
                550    BT Criminal law
                550    BT International law
                550    RT Criminal jurisdiction (International law)
                681       Note under Criminal jurisdiction (International law)

              * 150  Criminal jurisdiction   CANCEL
        (C)    150  Criminal jurisdiction (International law)   [May Subd Geog] 
  [sp 85034048]
                680       Here are entered works on the territorial limitation 
of criminal law and on the conflict of
        jurisdictions in the administration of criminal law. Works on criminal 
violations of
        international law are entered under International criminal law.
                450    UF Conflict of criminal jurisdiction
                450    UF Conflict of laws—Criminal law
                450    UF Conflict of laws—Criminal procedure
                450    UF Criminal jurisdiction   [EARLIER FORM OF HEADING]
                450    UF Criminal law—Conflict of laws
                450    UF Criminal procedure—Conflict of laws
                450    UF Exterritorial crime
                550    BT Conflict of laws
                550    BT Criminal law
                550    BT Criminal procedure
                550    BT Jurisdiction
                550    RT International criminal law
                681       Note under International criminal law

        (C)    150  Criminal procedure (International law)   [sp 85034092]
              * 550    BT International criminal law
              * 550    BT International law   CANCEL
              * 550    BT International offenses   CANCEL

        (C)    150  Forced labor   [May Subd Geog]   [sp 85050453]
              * 550    BT Crimes against humanity   CANCEL

        (C)    150  Forced labor (International law)   [sp 85050454]
              * 550    BT Crimes against humanity
              * 550    BT International criminal law
              * 550    BT International law   CANCEL

        (C)    150  International agencies   [May Subd Geog]   [sp 85067357]
              * 450    UF IGOs (Intergovernmental organizations)
              * 450    UF Intergovernmental organizations
              * 450    UF International governmental organizations

        (C)    150  International crimes   [May Subd Geog]   [sp 85067429]
              * 680       Here are entered works on criminal violations of 
international law. Works on specific
        criminal activities committed in multiple countries are entered under 
Transnational crime.
              * 680       Here are entered works on criminal violations of 
international law. Works on specific
        criminal activities committed in multiple countries are entered under 
Transnational crime.
        Works on the territorial limitation of criminal law and on the conflict 
of jurisdictions in the
        administration of criminal justice are entered under Criminal 
jurisdiction.   CANCEL
              * 450    UF Criminal law, International   CANCEL
              * 450    UF International crime
              * 450    UF International criminal law   CANCEL
              * 450    UF International offenses   [EARLIER FORM OF HEADING]
              * 550    BT International criminal law
              * 681       Note under Transnational crime
              * 681       Notes under Criminal jurisdiction; Transnational 
crime.   CANCEL

        (C)    150  Torture (International law)   [sp 85136193]
              * 550    BT Crimes against humanity
              * 550    BT International criminal law
              * 550    BT International law   CANCEL
              * 550    BT War crimes

        (C)    150  Vandalism   [May Subd Geog]   [sp 85142032]
              * 550    BT War crimes

        (C)    150  Transnational crime   [May Subd Geog]   [sp 91006417]
              * 680       Here are entered works on specific criminal 
activities committed in multiple countries.
        Works on criminal violations of international law are entered under 
International crimes.
              * 680       Here are entered works on specific criminal 
activities committed in multiple countries.
        Works on criminal violations of international law are entered under 
International offenses.
              * 681       Note under International crimes
              * 681       Note under International offenses   CANCEL

        (A)    150  Irregular warfare   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2010013128]
                053       U167.5.I8
                680       Here are entered works on warfare between advesaries, 
at least one of whom is a
        non‑state actor seeking to undermine the established political 
authority through both
        indirect and conventional military means.
                450    UF IW (Irregular warfare)
                450    UF Unconventional warfare
                550    BT War

    150  Joint ownership of personal property (Jewish law)  [sp2010015460]
                053       KBM674
                550    BT Jewish law

                150  Joint tenancy (Jewish law)  [sp2010015459]
                053       KBM694
                550    BT Jewish law

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Roger Kohn
Cataloger, Israel & Judaica Section
Library of Congress
LM 537
101 Independence Avenue, SE
Washington, D.C. 20540-4222
(202) 707-3997

"Opinions expressed are those of the author, and are not official statements by 
the Library of Congress."
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