Hi, folks, I hope this email finds you all well.

I recently had the opportunity to get some guidance on how to code dates in the 
authority 046 when the date/s available is/are only using the Hebrew calendar. 
This was my question:

"Hebrew dates span two calendar days and, as such, two Gregorian dates. Till 
now, the majority of catalogers have made an assumption that the Hebrew date is 
the latter of the two Gregorian dates and only coded that date in the 046 
(indicating certainty). The question is, is such practice ok/correct? Or should 
catalogers be erring on the side of caution and coding the 046 date as 
uncertain, e.g. [2012-07-31, 2012-08-01], unless a Gregorian date is also given 
to confirm the date? I don't recall seeing any guidance on this subject. Can 
you please advise?"

This was the response from LC:

"What an interesting question about EDTF, especially since it was a topic here 
at LC a couple of weeks ago (not about Hebrew dates, but about what catalogers 
are supposed to do in the 046 field in general). I would err on the side of 
caution and give both dates in the 046 field when the Gregorian date is not 
known. Come to think of it, maybe I will add something about this to the DCM Z1 
046 update that I am working on as a result of that meeting we had here a 
couple of weeks ago. That will document it." (highlight added)

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Best wishes, Jasmin

Jasmin Shinohara
Hebraica Cataloging Librarian
University of Pennsylvania
551.1 Van Pelt-Dietrich Library Center
3420 Walnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6206
T. 215-746-6397

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