Always on top of things...
May I suggest creating an authority record for Pardes shirah, indicating
that it is not a series and should not be given as a quoted note?

On Wed, Jul 24, 2024 at 11:22 AM Shinohara, Jasmin via Heb-naco <> wrote:

> Dear colleagues, I’ve been seeing more records that include the statement
> Pardes shirah as a series. Online NACO series training documentation on
> series-like phrases (session 12) outlines 10 categories of statements that
> are not to be
> Dear colleagues,
> I’ve been seeing more records that include the statement Pardes shirah as
> a series. Online
> <*20series-RDA/course*20table.html__;JSU!!KGKeukY!3B7g4USYPJaBM6fZNJBbvqLkSaZGBy7nI6kKprzuu6O8NhyBB4iM0cvVaR6sV7p6tODi-GSxVMJvQz9agOfkxQ$>
> NACO series training documentation on series-like phrases (session 12
> <*20series-RDA/Session*2012.pdf__;JSU!!KGKeukY!3B7g4USYPJaBM6fZNJBbvqLkSaZGBy7nI6kKprzuu6O8NhyBB4iM0cvVaR6sV7p6tODi-GSxVMJvQz8t6CyKXg$>)
> outlines 10 categories of statements that are *not *to be recorded as
> series statements. Category 8 is unnumbered genre or characterizing word.
> There it states, “If an unnumbered genre or characterizing word in the
> singular form (or plural form having singular meaning) *appears only on
> the cover or container*, *reject it as a series*.” (*emphasis* in
> original) It further says there “Generally, do not give it as a quoted
> note.” The statement Pardes shirah can thus be disregarded altogether in
> the bibliographic description/record.
> Please do not record Pardes shirah as a series. Please do let me know if
> there are any questions.
> Thank you, Jasmin
> ---
> *J a s m i n  S h i n o h a r a *
> Hebraica Cataloging Librarian
> [image: Penn Libraries logo]
> <;!!KGKeukY!3B7g4USYPJaBM6fZNJBbvqLkSaZGBy7nI6kKprzuu6O8NhyBB4iM0cvVaR6sV7p6tODi-GSxVMJvQz-S3NPSWg$>
> PCC Funnels Coordinator:
>      Hebraica BIBCO & NACO
>      Israel/Judaica SACO
> 215-746-6397 | * <>*
> *In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the
> silence of our friends. –Martin Luther King, Jr.*
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