There’s also a long, historically-interesting, thread on migrating from MIT 
that includes an example.

> On Mar 14, 2017, at 11:51 AM, Henry B (Hank) Hotz, CISSP <> 
> wrote:
>> On Mar 14, 2017, at 9:43 AM, Adam Lewenberg <> wrote:
>> How do I re-encrypt the entries of the Heimdal KDC database if I want to 
>> change its master key?
> Shut down all daemons on the master.
> hprop --decrypt --stdout | hpropd --stdin
> Restart all daemons.
> That’s from memory. I think some other options may be needed, like keytab 
> files. I published this once in a presentation at one of the AFS&Kerb best 
> practices workshops, but I don’t remember the year.
> Personal email.

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